Quote Originally Posted by h0gr1der View Post
Just my take on this subject, may not be pertinent as the Spyder is used. To obtain absolute lowest price I shop around, and see what the total out the door price is at comparable dealers. I will (and do) cross state lines, but you have to be aware of taxation issues between states before signing the dotted line. I build a spreadsheet and track who I talked to, when it happened, and how much was offered. I only talk in out the door prices, as this eliminates all of the other useless BS. I keep making the circles, shopping continuously. I add to the spreadsheet when a new unit comes along, mark off the ones that have sold. For new items, there are usually a few things that drive the price down with time passage. Floor-plan is one of them on consignment items, year end taxes is another. I've used this methodology 3 times in the last couple of years, and had one dealer tell me about a new truck I was buying that "They can't sell it to you for that". They did, and it is what I'm driving right now, purchased at significantly below blue book. Be persistent. Be willing to walk away.
You are spot on with your research. I do very similar when purchasing, but don't go as far as keeping a spread sheet. When I went to buy my last big purchase, I was drawn in by one dealership who had what I thought I wanted for $25,995. They said they were negotiable if I came down in person. I went down with $26k cash for an out the door deal. After the test drive, they gave me an out the door price of $28,995. Needless to say, I showed them the money and then walked out.
2 weeks later I went to look at a newer model that was listed for $31,995. They also said they were negotiable and gave me an out the door price of $29,995. I went to walk away and they asked what it would take to sell that day. I offered $28k cash. They said no, but then agreed if I would finance for atleast 3 months (I found out that they get $3k kick back from the bank). I agreed, but they owed me a couple of things (convertible cover and the extra key fob). After taking delivery of the car and financing $27.5k, they then wanted to charge me for the extra key fob ($350). I said no and went to their main dealership. The owner finally gave me the key fob the next week, and I paid the car off that following week, so the sales team missed out on the extra $3k from the bank.