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  1. #226
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    Quote Originally Posted by CyncySpyder View Post
    to my great nephew:

    Gunner Wayne Garrison
    10 pounds 3 ounces 22 inches long
    Born at 9:36am today

    Mom & baby are do'n GREAT!
    He looks he will be a spyder ryder for sure!

  2. #227
    Teddys favorite human
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    Thumbs up Responses

    Quote Originally Posted by Lamonster View Post
    The road was 209 out of Hot Springs. Sorry if I drove a little faster than I should of, that road just calls my name and I can't help myself some times. It was great having you and Teddy stay with us. My place is always open to you both.
    No need to apologize, besides meeting so many great ppl. that ryde was the highlight of our trip Thank You

    Quote Originally Posted by Marker View Post
    He looks he will be a spyder ryder for sure!
    & I've already got him a SpyderFest 2011 shirt from Cowtown, tho I think he'll need to do a lil more growing to fit into it

  3. #228
    Teddys favorite human
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    Talking 6/25/11-Teddy's Indiana Meet-N-Ryde

    Teddy & I loaded up his "Dog house on wheels" (Moto-Mate Camper) & headed west to meet up with the Indiana SpyderRyders at Flat-Out PowerSports & do a ryde around Brown County. Was great to meet all of you there, and we had a great time Thank You for showing us around your neck of the SpyderWoods

    It was only about 58F when we left at 5:30am, so I had to put Teddy's sweater on & him in his enclosed carrier (which he hates) so that he would stay warm enough. But we made it there without issue and everyone was happy to see the lil guy hopping around on all 3. In the last day or two, Ive noticed he's starting to put a little pressure on his gimpy leg, tho not much at all yet. The way he runs around on 3 tho, you'd never know he has an issue

    Going thru the Indiana farm lands at dawn was breathtaking. Seeing all the fog start to rise off the crops as the sun started peaking out, was an awesome site. I tried getting pics of it, but none of them came out very well.

    It was a great trip & Teddy was very happy with our lunch stop. He not only got to share my fries, but that of fellow SpyderRyders that were nice enough to share theirs as well & of course, where ever we stopped, ppl were taken with the little guy, asking if they could take pics & asking all kinds of questions as well. Was kind of surprised at all the attention the Moto-Mate Camper was getting as well. Had to open it up for a quick demo at least 3 different times, as most ppl just didnt understand what it was. I keep telling ppl its basically a "bed on wheels" but they seem to think its a pop-up or something to that effect, til I show them, what you see, is what you get

    Thank you Indiana SpyderRyders for your hospitality & showing us around your neck of the SpyderWoods. We look forward to doing it again
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  4. #229
    Teddys favorite human
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    Unhappy 6/28/11- Life's Cycle

    Well, it seems on Saturday night, we had strong storms pass thru, & lightning blew a transformer at work. So, yesterday being my 1st day back since last Thursday (TLO Friday) they still didn't have everything back up & running, so we got sent home at 10am yesterday Their killing me on hours, not even getting close to 40 right now & that sucks, cause starting Friday, we're on shutdown for 2 weeks. Vacation is usually scheduled for the 1st 2 weeks in July for us, which it still is, but it's always nice to work a little OT before vacation so you have a little extra $$ to do stuff with. Now I'm stuck in reverse

    Anyways, I took advantage of having the extra time off, & I got my home PC back up & running. Took 3 hours to transfer all the pic & video files to external drive to free up CPU space but at least that's done now Hopefully tonight I'll have enough patience to go thru them all and recap the last couple of weeks in pic & vid formats for y'all

    Teddy had another vet visit yesterday & besides having to get 3 more injections, ALL IS WELL He's just now starting to use his gimpy leg, every now & then, but I actually saw him run full-out yesterday & you couldn't tell he had an issue Tho, I think the gimpy leg was just along for the Ryde, it almost looked like he was using it. His vet was very happy with his progress & said he wouldn't be do for another visit for 6 months, but she said to make it 3 just to make sure She loves the lil guy almost as much as i do & she always asks about his previous trips & where the next one is planned

    We stopped by Harbor Freight & I picked up a Motorcycle lift & a set of jack stands so I can do my own oil changes on TEDDYS We're almost at 8000 miles now in just a little over 2 months since SpyderFest We took the mattress out of the Moto-Mate Camper & it makes for a great utility trailer that way Tho, I think with the weight of the lift & stands, I may have been a little over 400 pounds, cause the struggled a little going up steep hills, but other than that, handled it pretty well (no where near the level of the RT-622 trailer tho) Wish I knew of a way to make the Moto-Mate suspension a little better, but considering it's bigger than the SpYder itself, it's not bad. But I think since I started out with the BRP trailer, & that thing handled like a dream, I'm comparing apples to oranges & wish I could have an orange apple But that's just part of life

    On a very sad note While at Harbor Freight, my brother called me. Back in '93, I adopted a baby Pomeranian & named her Cocoa. When I got married & moved to Florida in '96, I gave her to my brother, since his wife had just passed from a battle with cancer that she did not win. He was devastated as she was only in her 40's, so i knew he could use the company, distraction & companionship that only a loving lil furry 4 legged friend could provide. Well, 15 years later, (she's now 18) he still has her, tho she's been in declining health for the last couple of years. He was on a job site out of town, so Cocoa would stay home with my other brother (they live together) and usually everything would be fine, til yesterday He could me to say that my other brother just called him, and Cocoa fell from a chair, & it appears she broke her leg & her back But she was still alive & in so much pain, that she wouldn't let Donny near her, trying to bite him Billy told him to throw a towel over her & get her to the vet, which he did. They told him the prognosis & that they could probably do surgery & help her, tho she might not even make it out of surgery. They gave her morphine to help with the pain, but Billy had a tough decision to make that I dread. He called me to ask what he should do The recession has hit them both hard, & they live pay-check to pay-check & the vet bills just for whats been done is over $300 It's a horrible decision to have make but in that situation, what else can you do The average lifespan for a small dog is usually 12-15 years & she's well past that. She's been in pain from arthritis for some time now, so her quality of life has not been the best I asked him what he thought he should do & he said he knew, but he just had to hear it from someone else

    These last few weeks have really been challenging. I've had my own health/life (if I would be here next month even) put into question, my Best (human) Friend going thru a painful divorce, dealt with the stress of Teddy having to go thru surgery & seen the awesome generosity of complete strangers come to Teddy's aid when we needed it most, witnessed the miracle of birth with my newest Great Nephew being born last week & now this. I know life is a cycle, & we are all limited in the time that we have here & I try in live my life in a way that I make each day better than the last. If Teddy & I can bring happiness & a smile to one more person, then thats a good day. I continue to have faith & I now add my own brother to my prayers that he may have the strength & heart to do what he needs to do

  5. #230
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    always a tough choice to put a dog down. had to do that with my last dog an american eskimo. was a show dog i had.

    was 13 and had a bad infection.

    i envy those owners whose dogs pass peacefully in the night ...

  6. #231
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    Quote Originally Posted by clueless View Post
    always a tough choice to put a dog down...
    i envy those owners whose dogs pass peacefully in the night ...
    X2 Worst part by far about being a Dog person ... but no way around it.

  7. #232
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    i envy those owners whose dogs pass peacefully in the night ...[/QUOTE]

    Quote Originally Posted by BMF_RACING View Post
    X2 Worst part by far about being a Dog person ... but no way around it.
    When I was younger still living at home our family had to make the horrible decision to put our beloved13 yr old collie dog down and was suffering from sickness I still miss him very much.

  8. #233
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    Red face 6/29/11*80F*Sunny*SpYder Therapy

    My bro called me about 6 last night to tell me the inevitable. He's still in Louisville on assignment, which I know has to be killing him. He said that the vet called him about 3pm with even worse news. Besides a broken leg & back, they found Cocoa also had a golf ball sized cancerous tumor under her spine. They said they could amputate the leg, put pins in her spine with body cast & start on chemo after they removed the tumor, IFshe lived through the surgery, but in all reality, with this added knowledge, it made his decision all the more clear. He understood their would be NO quality of life, even if she did make it, which the vet was already prepared for. My other brother Donny was there with her at the vets, & with Billy on the phone, they gave Cocoa two injections & she immediately went to sleep.

    When he called to tell me this, I was really surprised at how well composed he was, better than I. I asked about the future, & he said never again. That he told Donny to throw everything of hers out, that he didn't want to see any reminder of her when he got home at the end of the week.

    My heart was hurting, (still is to tell the truth) so I knew this had to be killing him, but being away on business, this isn't something he would share with anyone there. I continue to pray for his strength & comfort in knowing that she is no longer in pain.

    I didn't know what to do, so I did what comes natural for me. I geared up Teddy (after giving him a long tearful hug that he just didn't understand) and we went for a Ryde out in the country where we've never gone before. I didn't even realize we weren't in the same state any more. I just started following the river as long as I could, & we ended up crossing the Markland Dam & Locks from KY into Indiana & I kept going until we came to a little country town that had a Dairy Queen & they had outside tables. I knew I was hungry & Teddy had to be cause neither of us had had dinner yet, & it was now almost 10pm. I went thru the drive thru & ordered us both dinner & the clerks were just amazed by Teddy Ryde'n on the SpYder. We pulled to the front & shut down the SpYder & took our food to the outside table area where a party of 6 or so were already finished eating, but just sitting out in the nice warm evening air enjoying each others company. I should be used to the celebrity status by now of Teddy & the SpYder, but when your down, sometimes it's nice to just be alone with ones thoughts & feelings. I wasn't rude tho, so I oblidged their desires for pictures of both the SpYder & Teddy. They were all very nice people, they thanked us & went on their way. Teddy & I finished our dinners & we set off to find our way back home. I had to stop twice for fuel, so I estimate we went at least 240 miles & we made it home a little past midnight. The Ryde did me good, always does, helps me to clear my head so I can better appreciate all the good that is in my life. I've said it many times, that Teddy & I are blessed.

    After you read this, I hope you take a moment to appreciate all the good that's in YOUR lives & maybe even tell someone that you love or care about, just how much you appreciate them.

  9. #234
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    IT IS SO HARD...and every time I say 'NEVER AGAIN'...but then after the grieving process and whatever time it takes...then I find myself saying hmmm and the cycle starts. Even now as Murph is 14 and showing her age I am saying I HATE this part of being a responsible pet owner and AM sure this will be the last time...and we aren't even you can see that part of pet ownership I totally HATE...but the wonderful memories of all my pets over the years is soooo worth it and unfortunately I have only had 1 dog that went to sleep on her own (and she wasn't even that old).
    Unfortunately death is part of life....

  10. #235
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    I understand your brother's actions all too well. Over our decades of owning and raising dogs, I have had to put a great many down. It is the best thing for the animal, but very painful for the owner. After we put our last Shih-Tzu to sleep, we swore off dogs for good. Our faithful parrot remained. A number of years later he passed away in Nancy's arms. That was the hardest blow of all. When you talk to them every day, and they talk back, it is too much like losing your child. We will own no more pets during our lifetimes. You can only break off so many pieces of your heart.

  11. #236
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    Talking 7/3/11*NewPort MC Rally* "TEDDY ON TOUR"???

    It's been a nice sunny hot summer day. Started out with brunch with my brothers (who just lost Cocoa) then a nice little cruise to our nieces to see our new great nephew Gunner, then out to my sis's house to visit her for a little while & we took the kids for a little Ryde down the driveway. After there, Teddy & I made the mistake of stopping by the Newport Motor Cycle Festival along the banks of the Ohio River. It's mostly a Harley event, but when we got there, we saw another silver SpYder RS in the parking area. I was excited go see another SpYder, but never got to meet the owner

    Needless to say, Teddy was mobbed & I mean MOBBED!!! I'm gonna have to get the kid some security or something Usually, most ppl are very nice & appreciative for him to pose for their pics, but this was the 1st event where ppl were also drinking & well, you know how "some" ppl get once they've been drinking. TEDDYS was get'n plenty of attention by itself, but once ppl saw Teddy, it was game over, we couldnt even move
    Some ppl were very nice, bringing us into their tents to get some needed shade & to cool down in front of their fans & Teddy, well he gets well taken care of wherever he goes. One Vender gave him his own bowl of ice water not to mention his own Italian Sausage

    We stopped by the crib for some AC time & to chill out a little bit & now we're about to head to my friends to work on the some more.

    We're on shutdown (vaca) from work & think'n of taking a trip to CT to visit SpydermanCT to say thank you in person since he was the MasterMind behind TEDDYS Medical Fund that so many of you contributed to, to make it possible for us to make It to the Bar-B-Q & Owners event
    So, I'm thinking of doing a "TEDDY ON TOUR" from home in Cincinnati Ohio & heading to CT. So, if anyone is along our route or close & would like to meet Teddy in person, send me a PM & maybe we can work it out
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    Last edited by CyncySpyder; 07-05-2011 at 12:21 PM.

  12. #237
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    Talking July 5 2011 * About to head out on Road Trip

    The pups still on 3, tho you'd hardly ever notice he's had surgery the way that he gets around We played disc-golf the other day, & he WAS using all 4 legs

    Spent the past few days/nights at my best friends house taking the apart & adding mods here & there that Ive had for so long, but was just too intimadated to tear into the to do them. But with my friends help (he did most of it) we've been getting very used to taking the tupperware off & on

    We're about to head over to his place now, while he's at work, so I can clean out all my "Stuff" from his garage & he can actually park in there again Then, I'm thinking it should be cool enough (almost 90F now) for us to head out on our trip to PA & CT. I try not to travel in direct sun & when its scorching HOT out, just not conducive for Teddy, & he's my main concern. So, we're more the early evening/morning cruisers, but when your on a road-trip, you don't alway have a choice & you do the best you can.

    We've only had one offer to stop by another SpyderLovers place on the way to CT, so we'll be making a meet-n-greet in PA while on our travels

    We HOPE YOU ALL had a Great 4th of July & are out there Ryde'n safe & have'n FUN
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  13. #238
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    Praying for Safe Travels to you and Teddy. You're going to have and list those mods when you get the chance

    Let's try and keep the popozazzi to a minimum....OK?

  14. #239
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    Talking Sorry for the thumb

    Last edited by CyncySpyder; 08-16-2011 at 10:43 PM.

  15. #240
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    So great to see!!!

    Sent from my iPhone7 using Tapatalk
    Phil - Tyler Texas
    2010 RT-Premiere Edition (Named DARTH) | Timeless Black | All My Mods--- ARE HERE | Phil. 4:4

  16. #241
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    Talking Work'n on mods

    While Teddy Supervises

  17. #242
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    Red face In over my head ---- But that's nothing new - LOL

    How Ironic, on my locker at work, I have a lil comic strip posted that states:


    Well, that's EXACTLY where I find myself today My best friend who usually helps me work on Teddy's is in Florida right now on vacation & I've been camped out at his house cause I have the spread out in so many pieces all around his garage & it's my only Ryde so I'm kinda stranded right now Tho, if I had to, I could put a couple of Tupperware pieces back on & Ryde, but WOW, WHAT A SITE THAT WOULD BE

    I've been try'n to get TEDDY's rear-view camera system integrated & mounted into the SpYder. I've got the Garmin Zumo 665 mostly set up & mounted, but still need to run the cables.

    My issue right now, is that I un-mounted the Utopia Back-Rest so I can run the cable for the camera down thru the hole in the seat so I can mount the camera in the back of the back-rest so it will be showing me a constant video of Teddy at all times. And right now, I'm stuck with getting the Utopia matched back up with the under-seat support I'm trying to do it without taking the entire seat off, as I'm not good with remembering how everything goes back together & if you could see all the pieces laying all around, I think you'd understand why I don't want to take any more parts off than are necessary

    Some of you may think this system is unnecessary, but when I wear my full-face helmet, even when I turn around, I still can't see the lil guy to make sure he is ok, do to the jaw-piece & my seating position & angle. So usually, unless on out-of-state road-trips, I don't usually wear a helmet (KY doesn't require) but with as many out of state road trips that we do, I felt I needed to do something to help with this situation. Not to mention, when pulling our Moto-Mate Camper, I can't see directly behind the at all as the camper is just a lil bit taller than the So, I was able to get a system with 2 cameras last winter after I bought the camper, but haven't tried installing til now. I have 1 camera that I can watch Teddy with & the other that I can mount to the camper to give me a view of what's going on behind us when we have the Camper hooked up

    So, I'm taking a break from my frustration right now & doing my research on, as I know there is so much great information on here that can help with my situation. Just thought I'd take a break & share with everybody what Teddy & I have been up to lately

    He's doing well, crashed out along side me on the couch right now. He's starting to use his gimpy leg a little more each day it seems I shaved him down again just yesterday, as he was starting to get scragly looking & we just can't have that

  18. #243
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    Red face These are the mods we're working on

    Quote Originally Posted by 2Gunns View Post
    Dave, Praying for Safe Travels to you and Teddy. You're going to have and list those mods when you get the time
    Ok, here's what we're doing/working on:

    1) disconnected both analogue gauges
    2) mounted Rear-View LCD screen where right gauge was
    3) mounted cup-holder using ram mount to left side gauge area
    4) mounted Garmin Zumo 665 to top of dash
    5) mounted Garmin XM antanae to right side upper wind deflector
    6) mounted $20 Verizon universal phone mount to center console
    7) still working on mounting rear camera into Utopia Back-Rest
    8) have lights still to install in Frunk, rear trunk & glove box
    9) lights still to install to keep TEDDYS Ryde'n area illuminated at night
    10) additional badging & chrome license plate frame
    11) I don't think we'll be able to do the puddle lights now

    That's most of the mods we're working on at this time. I'll post pics once we get TEDDYS back together & up & running, hopefully soon

  19. #244
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    I AM impressed!!!!!!!!!!!

    Sent from my iPhone7 using Tapatalk
    Phil - Tyler Texas
    2010 RT-Premiere Edition (Named DARTH) | Timeless Black | All My Mods--- ARE HERE | Phil. 4:4

  20. #245
    Teddys favorite human
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    Talking OK, so here's where we are on the mod'n of Teddy's Spyder

    Well, I figured out something Its much more comfortable & easy to work on your when you have a nice cool garage to do so The main reason its taken me over a week to do these mods (not mentioning trial & error) is that the temps. here in the Cincy area have been in the 90's with heat indexes in the 100-115's & its bad enough to HAVE to WORK in these conditions without AC, but I just found it VERY SLOW GOING & even unbearable at times when its a choice That is, til I found an Awesome Fan in my friends garage that helped alot Oh, I also forgot, said friends' been gone to Florida on Vacation & not here to help, so its just been me & I'm very up-front and honest about NOT BEING VERY MECHANICALLY INCLINED But thanks to this Forum & all the great posts by other members Ive been able to struggle thru & GET'R DONE

    Garmin Zumo 665 is now mounted to the top of the dash (& looks & works GREAT)

    XM antanae for said Garmin is mounted to upper right side Wind Deflector

    Left analogue gauge replaced with Ram Mount & Cup Holder from Bass Pro Shops & looks & works GREAT
    Right analogue gauge replaced with Ram Mount & LCD screen for Teddy's Rear View Camera System
    Rear View Camera mounted INTO the Utopia Back Rest aiming right at Teddy 24/7

    Also got our Chrome Plated CYNCYSPYDER / SPYDERLOVERS.COM license plate frame holder mounted

    I still have yet to mount the additional lighting mods & the 2nd camera for the RVCS into the Moto-Mate Camper, but I'm get'n there
    And for those that are un-aware, Ram-Mounts are AWESOME & VERY USEFUL for MULTIPLE APPLICATIONS and Bass-Pro Shops carries a large assortment IN-STOCK usually in their marine departments

    I have to add, I'm VERY PLEASED with all of these mods. Especially the cup-holder & also with how well the Garmin mounting on top of the dash with the Ram-Mount turned out From reading another members post that did similar, I was able to run all the wiring under the lip of the Dash Top, so no wires are visible at ALL

    I hope some of this may help some of you out there that have been thinking about doing some mods, believe me, IT IS TOTALLY WORTH IT!!!
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  21. #246
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    MOST EXCELLENT TED!!! (sorry for that)

    My assistant laughed outloud at the idea of a camera in the backrest, but then when she just saw the pic said... 'but you know... that's REALLY brainy.'

    GREAT work Dave!! And you gave me an idea. I've been wrestling with how to do a backup camera and you gave me the spark of how and where to do it.

    Can't wait to see the lighting (lights are MY fave!!)
    Phil - Tyler Texas
    2010 RT-Premiere Edition (Named DARTH) | Timeless Black | All My Mods--- ARE HERE | Phil. 4:4

  22. #247
    Very Active Member SpydermanCT's Avatar
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    Everything looks great ! Any chance you have further pics or could you elaborate further on the Garmin install. It's a far better location than the factory location and I'd be interested in how it looks where the cabling goes thru, the ram mount and Garmin bracket..

    Anyone else want to speculate if the factory BRP Garmin harness would be long enough if the unit was relocated to the top of the dash ??

    2010 RT-S SE5 Timeless Black PE # 794 ~ RT-622 Trailer ~ Can-Am Garmin 665 GPS ~ Elka Front Shocks ~ ESI Brightsides with Rips Kit ~ ESI RT Fender Tips Kit ~ Rear Brightsides ~ HMT Brake Light ~ Tricplate rear running / Brake LED's ~ ESI Mud Flap Lights ~ LED Day Runners ~ Right Side Inlet Covers ~ Street Magic Scuff Guards ~ IPS Key Cover ~ KewlMetal Kewlocks ~ Spyderpops Radiator Block Off Plate and Catalytic Converter Shield Set ~ Carbon Fiber Kit ~ Corbin Seat

  23. #248
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    Talking Here's more pics of the Garmin Install

    Quote Originally Posted by SpydermanCT View Post
    Everything looks great ! Any chance you have further pics or could you elaborate further on the Garmin install. It's a far better location than the factory location and I'd be interested in how it looks where the cabling goes thru, the ram mount and Garmin bracket..
    Anyone else want to speculate if the factory BRP Garmin harness would be long enough if the unit was relocated to the top of the dash ??
    If you look in my profile, and albums, pull up the mods album & I've posted pics with descriptions as well. Hope this helps some
    I'm cheap, couldn't afford the BRP wiring harness, so I can't offer you any advice on if it would reach or not, sorry What I did, was I used the power to the Left Analogue Gauge for the power for the Garmin. I then ran an extension audio cable from the audio connection in the rear trunk, up to the wires for the garmin that are now housed in the dash where the gauge used to be housed. Ran the XM antanae cable from inside the dash over to the right upper wind deflector where the actual Antanae Disc is mounted. Ive called and subsribed to the XM Nav Weather Nav Traffic & Music & so far, so good. Not crazy about the music selections personally, but the Nav traffic has already saved my butt twice from sitting in backed up traffic congestion & as for the Nav Weather, well, I'm still working on understanding it, but seems it will be usefull when on those long road trips, so we'll see

    So far, after 3 days of use, everything seems to be working really well, & I think it looks good to boot
    Last edited by CyncySpyder; 07-15-2011 at 06:30 PM.

  24. #249
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    I don`t know about all that other stuff but that sure is a great looking windshield-inside joke.

  25. #250
    Teddys favorite human
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    Talking LOL

    Quote Originally Posted by StriperKing View Post
    I don`t know about all that other stuff but that sure is a great looking windshield-inside joke.
    Oh Yeah,
    But i'm glad you mentioned the shield, as I've actually mod'd it as well

    I for one, use Ted's Red Sled as my daily driver, so sun, rain, sleet, snow, we go thru it all. As for rain, I think many other RT owners would agree, that the angle of the shield comes into issue with shedding water Its too dang straight So, when I went to put the shield back on, I used rubber grommets and added them under the shield before I screwed it all back together. It didn't change the angle a great deal but it did change it a little bit Sadly, it hasn't rained here in a while, tho we're scheduled for upper 90's & low chances of rain every day next week So, maybe I'll get a chance to see if it helps any with the water-shedding My thought process on this, is if the shield is at a greater angle, along with the wind at speed, that it will help the water beads slide off the shield instead of just beading and sitting there as it does now Tho, I could be wrong Anyone else have any ideas or thoughts on this?

    Thanks again StriperKing, hope your enjoy'n yours as much as Teddy & I are enjoy'n ours

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