Quote Originally Posted by Peter Aawen View Post
Fwiw btfsom
Quote Originally Posted by Peter Aawen View Post
See the difference between post #17 & post #18 above? Both FWIW BTFSOM strings were typed in All Caps, but there was no recognisable 'word' in the first try at post #17, so the 'Known Issue' converted the caps to lower case - who knows why, the coders sure don't!! Then simply by adding the word 'this' (or 'it' - which is what I tried first, just to see. ) to the string of unrecognised letters, the 'All Caps' were allowed.... who knows why, the coders sure don't!! THAT's why it's not an easy fix - no-one really knows why this happens or where the bit of coding in amongst all those Tens of Thousands of lines of Code that causes it to occur might be - heck, it might be a conflict between a few otherwise totally un-related bits of code in completely different places/doing completely different things that's causing it, but it's NOT EASY to identify where/why/how, or it would've been sorted already!