Quote Originally Posted by SLICE View Post
The older I get the less maintenance I want to do as it takes me a day or 5 to recover, But when I see stealer labor rates I hike up my pants and suck it up and remember why I spun wrenches and fired the parts cannon for 31 years... well longer if you count before they called me a professional and of course retirement.

OK OK OK truth be told I hate working on anything that does not include the words boobies and moonshine.

I'm old.

I'm cranky.

I'm worn out.

And I fart....a lot.

B.T.W. Ron your super duper incredible 3 piece (well 5 really ) was so easy even a grouchy old man like me can do it.
Don't think of it as a fart - think of it as a motorcycle supercharger.