A couple of question for the RS-S 2015.

The Spyder is doing well and love it, but thinking to add something new (with the hope people will notice me better when braking) and something odd, that not sure how to clean.

The odd thing...
On the the glass that covers the speedo gauges and all that, behind it, there seems to be some sort of smudge (not sure if from fingers!? or maybe water somehow got behind it). Started to bug the hell out of me :/.
Can the front glass be removed and cleaned? If yes... how!?

The strobe thing...
When braking I notice that a lot of drivers behind me get a little too close to me. I don't know if they either not realizing what I do, or just don't care, but I want to add to the rear brake lights a strobe effect just as an extra measure.
I know that units like the Swess GS-100A are usually used for this stuff, but don't know if they work on our Spyders.
Did anyone did anything similar and did you had to do anything special to get it working?

Also, on that note, did anyone installed LED bulbs on their tail lights?
Any issues? I assume the model # for them is 7528.
