
Just got my machine (2018 RTL) out of warranty limbo, checked it over before riding home and wouldn't you know it, the belt is too tight and vibrating. Even with the dampener on the belt.

Looking through the paperwork on the 3000 mile service, the tech acknowledged everything I asked them to do. I run the axle torque at 25% less due to lubricant on the threads, don't fold my split pin over, just slightly spread it, etc.

In reporting the belt request, I had asked them to skip the belt unless they couldn't. Paperwork said belt far outside of spec, set to minimum spec as per customer. They then reported the spec as 950 Hz.

For those of you that use sonic testers, is this a typo? Did they mean 950 Newtons? I saw ± 200 Lbs on the Krikit II, and 950 Newtons is 213.5 Lbs. converted.

I suspect 950 Hz would be somewhat high.