I talked with tech support yesterday. Here was there response to my question
Will this work for a 2017 F3 Daytona SM6. On your website it says

Due to multiple stock calibrations from BRP, Dynojet may not currently have support for your model. In these cases we would require you to send in your ECM.

Unfortunately we don't know if we have the file or not until you have the PowerVision in hand and connect it to the vehicle. Once connected it will generate a file called PV_Info file that you can send to us and we can take a look.

I then then asked if it doesn't work can I return it?

Response: There is no doubt that if you send us the ECU that it will work. If you purchase the unit directly thru us, find out we don't have a file and DON"T want to send in your ECU we have no issues returning the unit.

Thanks for the inquiry

So looks like either way at some point its good just may need to send it to them if they do not have a stock file.