Quote Originally Posted by supersuk View Post
Also, did anyone have problems with their coolant over flow cracking? The previous owner said hers cracked and replaced it with an aluminum one that doesn't fit and just hangs there. I don't like the way it just sits there loose. I was planning to purchase a new oem one, but was also thinking of modding the aluminum one to make it fit better.
My original coolant reservoir cracked. The new OEM reservoir is more robust and have had no problems since. It's still plastic and you can shine a flashlight on it to read the fluid level.

"I guess whoever put on the exhaust system didn't install a new gasket on one side as seen in the photo below. The pipe on the right is missing the gasket. Makes me wonder how quiet the trike is with the gasket in place?"

The OEM gaskets burn out after 1,500 miles. Install Honda 18392-MAM-000 gaskets on both sides. They last much longer, cut the heat down as well as the sound.