Todays been one of those days, that if Teddy didn't have the Spyder, that I'd just want it to be over

I felt better, but not good. Funny tho, how when I get on the with Teddy, all is good but even tho I may try, I can't LIVE on the , can I? No no no no no.... That's just Crazy talk

Well, unfortunately, I didn't get anything done today honestly didn't get off the couch much except to take Tedster down to the park to play fetch for a bit & for two therapy sessions on the

It was still 50F at 9pm so Teddy & I went out again for our 2nnd therapy session for the day I gotta remember since he's shaved down now, that his lil bat ears get chilled easily We only went out around town (25-35mph) but his lil ears were cold when I checked them in the garage. I've been look'n for an actual helmet for him, but I'm not pay'n $100 for something I know he's gonna hate & as soon as he figures out how to worm his way out of it, it's gonna be lay'n on the side of the road somewhere
I know this from experience, as we're now on his 3rd set of Doggles. Florida has his second set down there somewhere (LUCKY DOGGLES)

Suppose to have a high of 60F tomorrow but chances of showers (again) hopefully I'll be feel'n better tomorrow & the rain stays away enough to log some serious miles. Think I need close to 500 miles in the next 2 days so I'll be right at 12K to do my oil change & the Goes in the shop for it's 12K check-up & DPS recall