My wife and I love our Spyder and it makes us want to ride a little later in the year than we normally did in the past. Being in Michigan, it is getting a little cooler on those rides after the sun sets. I was looking at the heated clothing options out there and had some questions that I need some people with practical experience and not a sales person to answer.

1. Will the 2015 Spyder alternator handle the load of both rider and passenger having heated clothing pant liners, coat liners, and socks or insoles?
2. I know this is subjective, but what is the most comfortable and effective heated clothing?
3. I see that they have pant liners and heated chaps, is there a lot of difference in the comfort of the two?
4. Being new to the site, I saw a post that one of the sponsors here sells some heated clothing. Is there a website or a page with info and pricing on it?

You all have been a GREAT resource for all of my questions in the past and I thank you in advance for your input.
This site is awesome!