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  1. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by MidLifeCrisis View Post
    That's because sometimes you have to take what science tells you and apply some reason, logic and testing to see what the final outcome is. Don't know what to tell you. You keep insisting I've accomplished nothing, because science says so and I keep saying I have, because my wife doesn't burn her legs and behind, since the change, so who are you going to believe.

    The one thing the scientific facts you often quote don't take into account is the movement of air. All things you say are factual, but if you can distribute heat across a larger area, such as the headers, apply insulation to the inside of panels, which again helps reduce direct heat and distribute heat across a larger area, then add some air movement, however minimal, maybe, just maybe there may be some successful reduction in perceived heat.

    Since my wife perceives less heat and so do I, and the fact that there has been some increase in performance, and mileage, I would call that a success. I suppose that makes me a genius as you so well put it.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
    2012 RT , stock Lava Bronze

  2. #52
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    You mean I am not the only one?...........images.jpg

  3. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buttsy View Post
    You mean I am not the only one?...........images.jpg
    Sorry bud, the title is mine.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

  4. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by pro10is View Post
    I have failed to make even you understand the distinct and vital difference between thermal radiation and convection, and that convection not radiation is the real culprit and danger here and cannot be so easily stopped. Didn't anyone here take high school physics? Does anyone understand what convection is and how it works? The brake reservoir is sitting in a convection oven not a microwave or infrared oven. All that wrap and those shiny, thin shields will never stop or divert convection or conduction. Just because something looks as if it should work does not mean it will work. If I can't make someone as intelligent as you understand and back me up on this when lives may be at stake, I may as well give up. Good Lord. By all means carry on with your "solutions" folks, you all seem to know more than me. If anyone dies, so be it.

    I can only imagine several hundred years ago how difficult it must have been to try to make even intelligent people understand the world was round when everyone could very well see and knew damn well it was most certainly flat.

    Ride safely everyone and the best of luck to you.
    I fully understand the difference between radiation and convection. Both are involved here, and affect the rider and components differently. Changing how the heat is radiated will change the convection patterns, and changing the convection will also affect where and how some of the heat is radiated. They are inseperable in many ways.

    You are blind to the fact that there can be acceptable results from halfway measures...even if the results are not perfect. You are screaming bloody murder about this, even though you don't have a 2013 and are not affected. It's time to lighten up with the insults and the condescending attitude. You have said your piece. Now let the affected owners look at the possible temporary solutions...and the pitfalls, and make the decisions for themselves. Nothing mentioned here can possibly make the situation worse, so they have nothing to lose but their time and money should they choose to continue to ride their 2013's.

    This discussion has gone on long enough. Time to close the thread if it is going to get nasty.

  5. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by NancysToy View Post
    I fully understand the difference between radiation and convection. Both are involved here, and affect the rider and components differently. Changing how the heat is radiated will change the convection patterns, and changing the convection will also affect where and how some of the heat is radiated. They are inseperable in many ways.

    You are blind to the fact that there can be acceptable results from halfway measures...even if the results are not perfect. You are screaming bloody murder about this, even though you don't have a 2013 and are not affected. It's time to lighten up with the insults and the condescending attitude. You have said your piece. Now let the affected owners look at the possible temporary solutions...and the pitfalls, and make the decisions for themselves. Nothing mentioned here can possibly make the situation worse, so they have nothing to lose but their time and money should they choose to continue to ride their 2013's.

    This discussion has gone on long enough. Time to close the thread if it is going to get nasty.
    Convection will continue to cause problems with the radiation blocked and no one's yet proposed any solution for convection, so no one has a solution. Period. Partial, unproven solutions are unacceptable when it comes to the possibility of losing all braking, especially when someone is proposing a potentially flawed solution to someone else who may believe they can continue to ride safely if they install it. Why can't anyone understand that and how can anyone possibly disagree when someone safety is at stake??? How would you feel about such advice after something happened? Someone needs to scream bloody murder when people are callously proposing such solutions to others who may innocently and naively believe them, because they do indeed have something to lose other than their time and money, their life. Play around all you want with your own bike but when it comes to a problem as serious as this, no one should be posting anything that could endanger anyone else's safety. That's my humble opinion and I'm sticking to it.

    I tried to speak softly until I was mocked and insulted for my trouble so if I unintentionally offended anyone afterwards while trying to make people understand, well sorry, but someone had to talk straight. Everything I said needed to be said. I'm not interested in forum politics or popularity so I really don't care what you or anyone else thinks of me. I did my best to get my message across and if I potentially saved even one life because someone listened, it was well worth enduring the criticism.

    Now that I have indeed said my piece and everyone has heard that they cannot ride safely without a proven solution, they are most certainly free to make any decision for themselves because now they have the facts.

  6. #56
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    This is obviously a forum for all to share their experiences and opinions. We're all adults and can decide for ourselves what to make of each argument. It really isn't about you trying to save lives, but rather to be right. I've watched many of your posts and regardless of the subject, be it Internet Explorer, heat wrapping, or whatever the topic of the day, you're right and everyone else is wrong. That just may be what rubs people here the wrong way.

    I work in an engineering world. Too often the "big shots" say no way, can't be done, it's a total failure and will insist on their way, delaying projects and blowing smoke screens when an unsuspecting n00bie walks in and solves the problem. You have to go outside of what the book says sometimes to find solutions.

    Everyone can test the results of their mods for themselves. We all know the risks.

  7. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by MidLifeCrisis View Post

    This is obviously a forum for all to share their experiences and opinions. We're all adults and can decide for ourselves what to make of each argument. It really isn't about you trying to save lives, but rather to be right. I've watched many of your posts and regardless of the subject, be it Internet Explorer, heat wrapping, or whatever the topic of the day, you're right and everyone else is wrong. That just may be what rubs people here the wrong way.

    I work in an engineering world. Too often the "big shots" say no way, can't be done, it's a total failure and will insist on their way, delaying projects and blowing smoke screens when an unsuspecting n00bie walks in and solves the problem. You have to go outside of what the book says sometimes to find solutions.

    Everyone can test the results of their mods for themselves. We all know the risks.
    You're right, now everyone does know all the risks, but before I posted it was obvious that many did not.

    We all believe we're right when we post our opinions aren't we. I'm no different, but I am outspoken and may indeed vehemently debate my point more than others when I know I'm right and I will not back down. If that rubs you or anyone else the wrong way then I'm sorry, but you can just skip over my posts if you like and simply ignore them, no one's forcing you to read them. I most certainly do not always believe everyone else is wrong, that's an inaccurate generalization on your part, and if you do read my posts you'll see I often support people whom I agree with even in debates. I am fair and honest but I do not suffer fools gladly so you better know your stuff backwards and forwards if you go up against me.

    I have only about 900 posts here unlike the many thousands others have because I pick my topics very carefully and only post when I have something valuable to offer. If I post an opinion and someone disagrees with me I will continue to post until the discussion resolves itself. I will not back down when challenged, intimidated, or insulted. That's just the way I am and I make no apologies for that. I'm not asking anyone to like me but if you listen to what I say you may learn something valuable because I have much to offer from a lifetime of experience in high tech engineering.

    This topic caught my attention because it seemed to me people were totally ignoring the very serious safety issue and I could clearly see some being persuaded that they could still ride safely with unproven mods. I strongly disagree and made my point known even though I knew it would be unpopular to try to tell anyone their mods were potentially flawed. As expected I was challenged but as I said I will not back down when I know I'm right. If I'm challenged I will respond, if not I'll stop, it's as simple as that. So if anyone wants me to shut up then simply don't debate me. I don't wish to get into an uncomfortable discussion with anyone. Lamont and Scotty are two of my most favorite and respected people here so believe me when I tell you it was very painful to have to respectfully disagree with them on this. Despite what you may believe I do in fact care deeply about people's safety. If you truly knew me in person you would discover that I am actually considered to be a really nice guy and the vast majority of people who know me genuinely like me. I'm sorry I can't convey that here but that's because you only see one side of my personality.

    You mocked me in your post so I responded in kind but I genuinely hope you have or will find a full or partial solution to the burning legs problem and I was only half kidding when I said we would all be grateful to you if you did, I know I would be. But my debate was specifically about the serious brake issue and on that I'll give no ground, only a proven solution is acceptable when the potential of serious injury or death is possible. You are indeed all adults and like I said before, you now do have all the required facts thanks to the debate. So by all means make your own decision.

  8. #58
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    Default Instead of hitting each other,

    shouldn't we remember that BRP is the cause ? It seems that all these posts are because people care.

  9. #59
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    Pro knows his stuff about this.
    Let's cut him some slack for that...
    We don't have to agree with his assessment, but he's got the chops to be in this discussion...

    Now for my ccmpletely inexpert, dummy-on-the-street, seat of the pants, real World, OPINION :
    If the rider and passenger are feeling less heat from these measures; it'll work until BRP can come up with a better option... (JMHO)
    Now... ream me out, and give the guy some breathing room...

    We sure don't need this turning into a knife fight in here...
    2010 RT A&C, RT-L, RT-L , Orbital Blue, Cognac, Jet Black

  10. #60
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    Default My .02 cents

    I'm not an engineer and this field is definately not job related to me but I'll make one comment. If someone is not feeling heat that they used to I would say the modification is working unless that heat was routed to another area where it could cause a problem or concern.
    Hurry up BRP !

  11. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by pro10is View Post
    We all believe we're right when we post our opinions aren't we. Other than complements, greeting, welcomes, etc., I’m pretty slow to post and mostly ask questions. UNLESS, my experience, in this case huge improvement in heat tells me something different than a book. I'm no different, but I am outspoken and may indeed vehemently debate my point more than others when I know I'm right and I will not back down. If that rubs you or anyone else the wrong way then I'm sorry, Spoken like a true and honest control freak……… you'll see I often support people whom I agree with even in debates. Why is that such a challenge? I am fair and honest but I do not suffer fools gladly so you better know your stuff backwards and forwards if you go up against me. No problem, but doubt it'll make a difference.

    I have only about 900 posts here unlike the many thousands others have because I pick my topics very carefully and only post when I have something valuable to offer. If I post an opinion and someone disagrees with me I will continue to post until the discussion resolves itself. Or people quite, because they are tired of the ranting. I will not back down when challenged, intimidated, or insulted. I’m far from intimidating and insulting. Like you, I pointed out the truth. Seems you were getting defensive, so I was pointing out why you may be feeling the rejection. Content matters, so does tact. Books matter, so do experiences. That's just the way I am and I make no apologies for that. I'm not asking anyone to like me but if you listen to what I say you may learn something valuable because I have much to offer from a lifetime of experience in high tech engineering.

    This topic caught my attention because it seemed to me people were totally ignoring the very serious safety issue and I could clearly see some being persuaded that they could still ride safely with unproven mods. Any improvement, is improvement. A combination of small improvements usually lead to bigger improvements. I strongly disagree and made my point known even though I knew it would be unpopular to try to tell anyone their mods were potentially flawed. None were claiming a bulls eye, just improvements. As expected I was challenged but as I said I will not back down when I know I'm right. I work and live with people who KNOW they are right every day, so it’s easy for me to pick out a control freak. If I'm challenged I will respond, if not I'll stop, it's as simple as that. I’ll stop. It just isn’t worth battling people who know they are right. The lack of humility in your responses is uncanny. So if anyone wants me to shut up then simply don't debate me. That’s what control freaks really want. Everyone else to shut up. Just sayin’ I don't wish to get into an uncomfortable discussion with anyone. Lamont and Scotty are two of my most favorite and respected people here so believe me when I tell you it was very painful to have to respectfully disagree with them on this. Despite what you may believe I do in fact care deeply about people's safety. If you truly knew me in person you would discover that I am actually considered to be a really nice guy and the vast majority of people who know me genuinely like me. I'm sorry I can't convey that here but that's because you only see one side of my personality. Perhaps that’s a limitation of the Internet and piping it down a bit goes a long way.

    You mocked me in your post so I responded in kind but I genuinely hope you have or will find a full or partial solution to the burning legs problem and I was only half kidding when I said we would all be grateful to you if you did, I know I would be. I believe the first mocking was hurled by you. I posted my results, and you said I must be a genius and what a guy. But my debate was specifically about the serious brake issue and on that I'll give no ground, only a proven solution is acceptable when the potential of serious injury or death is possible. Agreed whole heartedly and until a full blown solution is provided, every little bit helps. Keep in mind BRP claimed they fixed the heat issue on 2013s. Nothing was said about the previous years and nothing has been offered. If I was to apply your solution to my Spyder, then It would still be sitting in my garage with 300 miles on it (when I discovered things got hot….real hot) You are indeed all adults and like I said before, you now do have all the required facts thanks to the debate. So by all means make your own decision.Doesn’t sound like we’re allowed to!

    Quote Originally Posted by Saluda View Post
    I'm not an engineer and this field is definately not job related to me but I'll make one comment. If someone is not feeling heat that they used to I would say the modification is working unless that heat was routed to another area where it could cause a problem or concern.
    Hurry up BRP !Apparently it’s all in our heads…or butts…or whatever, because the book says it aint so!
    Last edited by MidLifeCrisis; 07-16-2013 at 09:15 AM.

  12. #62 the pink (Girls On Spyders)
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    Let me say that I have not asked anyone to do anything to their bike...what I have posted is what I have experienced with my bike....and wanted to know if others were having the same problems......the work done on my bike is with and through BRP and the dealer, PitBull.....we have done a flash on the ECM and wrapped the pipes and a new heat shield....I am in the process of measuring the results and will go back to dealer...take the bike apart and look at everything...and from that we should start to have proven results... .what more can BRP and dealer and myself do....someone has to be a test dummy

  13. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bob Denman View Post
    Pro knows his stuff about this.
    Let's cut him some slack for that...
    We don't have to agree with his assessment, but he's got the chops to be in this discussion...

    Now for my ccmpletely inexpert, dummy-on-the-street, seat of the pants, real World, OPINION :
    If the rider and passenger are feeling less heat from these measures; it'll work until BRP can come up with a better option... (JMHO)
    Now... ream me out, and give the guy some breathing room...

    We sure don't need this turning into a knife fight in here...
    Thank you Bob, you are a wise and kind gentleman and I will always consider you a friend.

  14. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by MidLifeCrisis View Post
    Originally Posted by pro10is
    We all believe we're right when we post our opinions aren't we. Other than complements, greeting, welcomes, etc., I’m pretty slow to post and mostly ask questions. UNLESS, my experience, in this case huge improvement in heat tells me something different than a book. I'm no different, but I am outspoken and may indeed vehemently debate my point more than others when I know I'm right and I will not back down. If that rubs you or anyone else the wrong way then I'm sorry, Spoken like a true and honest control freak……… you'll see I often support people whom I agree with even in debates. Why is that such a challenge? I am fair and honest but I do not suffer fools gladly so you better know your stuff backwards and forwards if you go up against me. No problem, but doubt it'll make a difference.

    I have only about 900 posts here unlike the many thousands others have because I pick my topics very carefully and only post when I have something valuable to offer. If I post an opinion and someone disagrees with me I will continue to post until the discussion resolves itself. Or people quite, because they are tired of the ranting. I will not back down when challenged, intimidated, or insulted. I’m far from intimidating and insulting. Like you, I pointed out the truth. Seems you were getting defensive, so I was pointing out why you may be feeling the rejection. Content matters, so does tact. Books matter, so do experiences. That's just the way I am and I make no apologies for that. I'm not asking anyone to like me but if you listen to what I say you may learn something valuable because I have much to offer from a lifetime of experience in high tech engineering.

    This topic caught my attention because it seemed to me people were totally ignoring the very serious safety issue and I could clearly see some being persuaded that they could still ride safely with unproven mods. Any improvement, is improvement. A combination of small improvements usually lead to bigger improvements. I strongly disagree and made my point known even though I knew it would be unpopular to try to tell anyone their mods were potentially flawed. None were claiming a bulls eye, just improvements. As expected I was challenged but as I said I will not back down when I know I'm right. I work and live with people who KNOW they are right every day, so it’s easy for me to pick out a control freak. If I'm challenged I will respond, if not I'll stop, it's as simple as that. I’ll stop. It just isn’t worth battling people who know they are right. The lack of humility in your responses is uncanny. So if anyone wants me to shut up then simply don't debate me. That’s what control freaks really want. Everyone else to shut up. Just sayin’ I don't wish to get into an uncomfortable discussion with anyone. Lamont and Scotty are two of my most favorite and respected people here so believe me when I tell you it was very painful to have to respectfully disagree with them on this. Despite what you may believe I do in fact care deeply about people's safety. If you truly knew me in person you would discover that I am actually considered to be a really nice guy and the vast majority of people who know me genuinely like me. I'm sorry I can't convey that here but that's because you only see one side of my personality. Perhaps that’s a limitation of the Internet and piping it down a bit goes a long way.

    You mocked me in your post so I responded in kind but I genuinely hope you have or will find a full or partial solution to the burning legs problem and I was only half kidding when I said we would all be grateful to you if you did, I know I would be. I believe the first mocking was hurled by you. I posted my results, and you said I must be a genius and what a guy. But my debate was specifically about the serious brake issue and on that I'll give no ground, only a proven solution is acceptable when the potential of serious injury or death is possible. Agreed whole heartedly and until a full blown solution is provided, every little bit helps. Keep in mind BRP claimed they fixed the heat issue on 2013s. Nothing was said about the previous years and nothing has been offered. If I was to apply your solution to my Spyder, then It would still be sitting in my garage with 300 miles on it (when I discovered things got hot….real hot) You are indeed all adults and like I said before, you now do have all the required facts thanks to the debate. So by all means make your own decision.Doesn’t sound like we’re allowed to!
    You, sir, are now way out of line and no longer deserving of a meaningful debate.

  15. #65
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    And this is a good place to.....

  16. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by pro10is View Post
    You, sir, are now way out of line and no longer deserving of a meaningful debate.
    Thank God

  17. #67
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    Default Locking a thread

    Many forums I belong to have the ability for a moderator to lock a thread that gets out of hand. Is that a possibility here?

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