
I have all your answers about mounting a GPS on your Spyder and where to get the parts in the States. I did it successfuly on my GS SE5 2008. Contact me at
xe1ll@prodigy.net.mx. I'll be out of town for 6 nights so I will get back to you after the 24th or tonight if you are in a hurry. When you answer please give me your full name and street address for my files. You will have to have a plug in 12V outlet on your dash.
Arthur S. Cohen
Ibsen 72
Mexico City, Mexico 11560

[QUOTE=BLUEKNIGHT911;516319] Need some help from the more technically savy people out there in Spyderland.....I am considering getting some type of GPS device for use on the Spyder......I think something basic will work for me...it does not have to have "blue tooth" what ever that is......of course weather-proof and handlebar mountable and model #'s so I can find it......Thanks all in advance........Your opinion matters.......Mike.....