According to Ricky ranking I am super happy I have went for PUNISHER ))
as for the Two Brothers, I was not lucky enough to get around them. Even when I sell RLS, I would be more than happy to make a video for them. I think its fair and I would love to test it.. who knows, maybe one they tey will be interested in

Quote Originally Posted by troop View Post
I wonder how the Two Brothers would have fared? True, it also has a straight delete pipe, but multitudes of 48mm baffles fit in the delete pipe inlet. Also, in addition, you can add a P1X suppressor tip. As far as true performance goes, without a dynamometer test on same dyno/bike/day, actual performance specs will never be known. Butt dynos are highly inaccurate
As far as sound goes, the Punisher is WAAAAY too raspy and higher pitched.
According to Ricky, RLS exhaust ranked from LOUDEST > quietest are:
3.Twin Kaos