Quote Originally Posted by MONK View Post
I started my ride today @ about 33*F. Here's what I was wearing (that wasn't quite enough): boots, regular sox, drawers (of course), thick jeans (not insulated), rain pants (to keep some wind off my legs), long sleeved t shirt, hoodie, mesh jacket, rain coat (again, to keep some wind off me), neck gaiter, thick fall/spring gloves and my helmet. I wasn't frozen but I sure wasn't warm.

I think I need something under the jeans. Some of the motorcycle specific long johns are probably best for both warmth, wind resistance and less bulk but I'm a big guy w/a fat arse and most of those seem to be geared for normal size people. Probably my best bet is to hit up Wally World and buy a pair of generic long johns.

I could feel the cold air on my feet but my feet weren't cold, just cool. A nice pair of wool sox should do the trick.

I just ordered a pair of Cortech Scarab 2.0 gloves. The reviews are mixed but I can get a pair for $75 including tax (they're priced almost $100 plus tax everywhere else). Thinking about a pair of glove liners aswell. Never worn glove liners so I have no idea what to get. I had the heated grips on high but between the foam grip covers and the gloves, I couldn't feel a whole lot of heat from them. I'm thinking about removing the foam grips.

I had too much bulk on the top half of my body. I didn't wear the thermal jacket liner but might try that instead of the hoodie next time. I'm still not sure if that will be enough. I'll have to see. It's supposed to be much warmer tomorrow (low 50s to mid 60s).

I tend to ride down into the low 20s as long as there isn't any rain/ice/snow. I'm going to have to up my game. Even up into the upper 40s today, I was a little cooler than I'd like although nothing was numb and I wasn't shivering.

So, that's my story. If you have suggestions, brrrrrrrrring 'em on. (That was humor. Get it? Brrrrrrrr-ing 'em on. Brrrrrr, right?)

I used to Sno-mobile and now only downhill Ski ..... clothing for these sports are ideal for " cold " weather..... and will be much less expensive than " Mtc. specific " gear...... a hugh amount of choices and price points ..... annnnnnnd most of this stuff is waterproof ...... good luck .... Mike