Quote Originally Posted by MONK View Post
Just out of curiousity since an F3 may be in my future (if I ever get a chance to test ride one), any idea how this compares to the RDL seat for us fat arse people? Seems like the Laam seat is worlds cheaper. I know RDL adds some sort of metal suspension on the fat guy seats but didn't see anything mentioned like this on the Laam site. If I end up w/an F3T/L, I don't want to spend $500+ just to see if it works. I'm 99.9% sure an RDL seat would work well but that's a lot of green and well out of any budget I might have (unless I win the lottery). All I see Laam talking about is multiple layers of foam.
I'm 5' 9" 225 and it is as good as my Daylong I had on my RTS.