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  1. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by DynamoBT View Post
    I don't think I'd have my Spyder were it not for
    Lamont, I could not agree with Marilyn more. Plus, some of the vendors and posters on Spyderlovers have provided some great enhancements to my riding experience.

    We are a passionate and diverse group with equally passionate and diverse opinions, speculations and perspectives. That is our greatest strength and weakness. I think it is our caring and consideration of each other that really activates the our strength and there is no shortage of that here.

    I would hate to see Spyderlovers go away. Not many Spyder owners around here. I would miss all the sharing and the chance to share my little part of the Spyder Experience.

    So, I hope you continue doing what you do so well and are able to put up with the crap that we sometimes cause. I am sure we can all live and learn.

    With appreciation and admiration,

  2. #27


    just IMHO, it sounds like you are overwhelmed right now Lamont with all of the calls, PM's, and boards being posted with gripes. this is very understandable. i would be too.
    now, i dont even own a Spyder but will one of the years! i would be disappointed if i had a lot of problems and had to keep taking it in for repairs, and it would scare the beegeebers outta me if something happened on the road that made me feel like i could have been hurt badly. all of that still wouldnt keep me from fixing MY ride and hitting the road again! i think people here and even on other sites and forums need to realize that when our cars and trucks break down...WE FIX THEM OR HAVE THEM FIXED AND MOVE ON DOWN THE ROAD. frustrated until we get them back from the shop....but as soon as its out of the shop, our smiles return and we keep on driving...happy once again. once in a while or lifetime the damages are bad enough to have to junk the car. but we go buy a new one or even a used one that we have no idea who owned it before or how they treated it before we got it!
    why is the Spyder any different! and why are we relying on Lamonster sooooo much. we can make those calls ourselves! Lamont has provided every possible phone number, and address available that he is aware of so we can make things all better ourselves! we need to take some of the pressure off of Lamont in his time of need, like he does for us!
    dont get me wrong here Lamont! everyone needs a break now and then! and some of us just need to take a break and go ride for a while to get the stress out! whether that ride is on the Spyder or whether that ride has to be in a CAGE until the Spyder gets out of the shop!
    we live in a WANT IT NOW society, and this doesnt help in these forums! we all need to chill out and collect our thoughts and consider others feelings and how they will take what we say on these sites. frustration can kill it (this site amongst other relationship) in a heartbeat!
    Lamont, maybe you can spread out the responsibilities you have or feel you have with other senior members here that you trust to make decisions and that are Spyderwise! this way it will take some of the pressure off of you. ALL COMPANIES HAVE ONE OWNER, BUT ALSO HAVE OTHERS TO RELY ON FOR HELPING WITH THE WORKLOAD. dont feel like you have to go at this alone Lamont!
    all of what i said is IMHO! no more, no less! and can only be considered suggestions and is only me just trying to understand Lamonts position and duties as the owner of this site.
    there are TONS of members here on this site now, and sooooo many of them have helped me realize that owning my own Spyder is probably the best vehicle i could ever own and one of the funnest!
    all vehicles have there problems, get them fixed and get over it! stop stressing out the one man that brought this AWESOME site to us so we could learn about and love our rides!
    Lamont is not our daddy! he's a very cool Daddy'O, but not our fix all! he has given us everything we need to have a fun and awesome time on our rides....and thats ALL he can do for us! AND THATS ALL WE SHOULD WANT FROM HIM!
    it is very nice to have all of you back me up if i get in a jam, and i would do the same for all of you too! but our brother Lamont is taxed bigtime and needs our help!
    like i said, i dont have a Spyder for now, but i would love to help in any way i can Lamont! i dont want to lose this site, because i will need it when i do get my Spyder! hopefully an RT-S but may settle for a use done from someone here on this site or elsewhere!

  3. #28
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    I enjoy coming to this site and reading about everyone. It was because of this site and Spydertalk that I bought mine in the first place.
    Maybe we need to segment it off to a :

    AS&L (All Sweetness and Light) section where we could talk about adventures and experiences on the Spyder.
    And a :
    NDR (Not Doing Right) section where you could read about guys problems.

    Last edited by Arachnid; 10-21-2009 at 12:27 PM.

  4. #29

    Default Please noooo shut down !!

    This is far and away the best Spyder forum on the web. Lots of information has always been available here and non of it has been "white washed" like on the "other" site. People have always been able to post opinions on both sides of an issue, which is healthy in a free society. If this site is shut down the only one to gain would be the vehicle manufacturer.. Without a means for people to voice their experiences with a product, both good and bad, owners both current and future, would not know anything about the product except what they read on the manufacurers web site or in magazines where product advertisements $$$ rule the roost. Please don't even consider shutting down and giving the upper hand to BRP.....we all deserve to know how the Spyders problems are being handled and when they are actually solved. This is best accomplished from reading actual posts from people in the field. Lamont your good work here is really appreciated !!!

  5. #30
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    First off there is no reason to consider shutting down the site. Information whether good or bad is still information. Secondly people should not be asking Lamonster if their spyder is safe to drive. This is a decision based soley on an individuals gut feeling.
    Since Lamonster seems to have more insight into the issues based on his involvement with people involved with BRP there is no reason to doubt it when he states BRP is involved with fixing the problem with the DPS. People have to understand that more then likely BRP had little to do with the actual design of the DPS, more then likely it was developed by another company and is being used in the Spyder. Now the problem with that is not every single Spyder has issues, so the units that are defective need to be shipped from BRP to the original manufacturer for troubleshooting and it may not be clear if it is a bad run of components or a bad design at this point. Issues like this take quite some time to diagnose. That being said I personally wouldn't allow what if's to prevent me from riding the spyder when I want to, but now having this information will allow me to teach my wife what to look for, and to have her practice shutting off the bike and rolling it to a safe location if problem arise. If you are already having DPS issues drop the bike off at a dealer stating you feel it is unsafe and start a paperwork trail or take any action you are comfortable with. I bought a 2003 Indian motorcycle knowing the engines were having problems and the company was going out of business. The day I bought it I pulled the engine with a whopping 1 mile on it and sent it out to be rebuilt along with replacing the the tranny with a six speed and rebuilding the front Paioli Forks. The reason was I loved the bike and was willing to make the necessary corrections in a flawed product to be happy. My wife loves the Spyder so I will do the same for her. Most people did not sign on to be product testers and unfortunately this is what is occurring. Based on your own individual ideas of what you are willing to accept and what is just too much crap to handle you should make your own decision on what avenues you need to take to resolve your conficts to make yourself happy. It can be the sale of the Spyder, Lemon law or attemts to have a dealer buy back. The choice is yours.

  6. #31
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    Excellent post, Lamont. I think that will do it and you will see a 180 mood change as a result.

    You wrote:
    As for me I'm going to wait it out and see what happens. I have faith that they will get it fixed and the Spyder has just been too fun for me to give up on it now. Now if BRP says it can't be fixed then I'll move on but until they do I'll be waiting for the answers and I will share them here as soon as I know what they are.

    I agree 100% ... my thoughts exactly. Thanks for putting it in writing.
    I haven't been active on this website because I had decided to sell the Spyder (way before the update thing came about) but I just kept putting it off - and - I'm glad I did. I decided to keep it and started riding it again and loved every moment of it ................. and, along came the update and update II!! ... So, all of a sudden I jump back in the forum posting my complaints. Sorry!

    You wrote:
    I have yet to have anyone fill out this info and send it to me on the steering issue. I don't know why but this should be reported and why not use all the tools available to you.

    I have no idea why I've never noticed that section nor, have taken advantage of it! That is where all of this stuff on the steering should have gone. I will use it in the future if needed. Sorry!

    QUESTION: Should I and others that have already publicly posted our problems regarding the steering issue still fill out the info and send it to you????

    Thanks for the Forum. Thanks for your time and patience ... hang in there. When BRP gets us all taken care of through our Dealers, hopefully we will all post up the good news also!!

    P.S. Just got back from my dealer (Schronce Powersports, Taylorsville) and left my Spyder with them. Daniel had already called BRP and received instructions on what to do even before I got there...... very encouraging. I'm sure they will get the Spyder fixed and ... this too will pass.

  7. #32
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    Keep us posted on how they fixed it.

    Quote Originally Posted by hevnbound View Post
    Excellent post, Lamont. I think that will do it and you will see a 180 mood change as a result.

    You wrote:
    As for me I'm going to wait it out and see what happens. I have faith that they will get it fixed and the Spyder has just been too fun for me to give up on it now. Now if BRP says it can't be fixed then I'll move on but until they do I'll be waiting for the answers and I will share them here as soon as I know what they are.

    I agree 100% ... my thoughts exactly. Thanks for putting it in writing.
    I haven't been active on this website because I had decided to sell the Spyder (way before the update thing came about) but I just kept putting it off - and - I'm glad I did. I decided to keep it and started riding it again and loved every moment of it ................. and, along came the update and update II!! ... So, all of a sudden I jump back in the forum posting my complaints. Sorry!

    You wrote:
    I have yet to have anyone fill out this info and send it to me on the steering issue. I don't know why but this should be reported and why not use all the tools available to you.

    I have no idea why I've never noticed that section nor, have taken advantage of it! That is where all of this stuff on the steering should have gone. I will use it in the future if needed. Sorry!

    QUESTION: Should I and others that have already publicly posted our problems regarding the steering issue still fill out the info and send it to you????

    Thanks for the Forum. Thanks for your time and patience ... hang in there. When BRP gets us all taken care of through our Dealers, hopefully we will all post up the good news also!!

    P.S. Just got back from my dealer (Schronce Powersports, Taylorsville) and left my Spyder with them. Daniel had already called BRP and received instructions on what to do even before I got there...... very encouraging. I'm sure they will get the Spyder fixed and ... this too will pass.

  8. #33
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    I'm sticking with what I posted two days ago in a different thread:

    I suggest we take a break from the guesswork, assumptions and name-calling, and instead respect Lamonster's post and let him run with this issue. I for one completely trust he'll stay on top of it for us all.
    2015 F3 SE6 , White - The fastest color!

  9. #34
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    Hey without this site I'd be lost. And you don't want me lost do you? Everybody here appreciates what you (Lamont) have done here. If you shut it down then I'll have something to complain about. Hang in there we are.

    This site has helped me and others with a lot of spyder issues. Not only is this a great site, so are the people here.

  10. #35
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    And thanks to you, Lamont, we have this forum. As such we will see problems and issues, that many of us would have no knowledge of without such a place. Thanks to others we know what to watch for, and apparently, how to (at least temporarily) safely deal with it.

    In the meantime, we continue to enjoy this fantastic (if imperfect) machine.
    08 RS/SM5 (Hers) (sold)
    15 RT-S (Mine)
    2015 RT-S , Metallic Black

  11. #36
    Active Member pathfinderjoe's Avatar
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    Default Lamonster - We need this forum now more than ever.

    We need this forum now more than ever. We need to keep the communications flowing - good news and bad. I bought my syder 8 months ago (in Feb. in Oregon - raining every day). Have put on just over 10,000 miles in all kinds of weather. Just finished a cold but exciting 1400 mile trip with my 3 sons. Traveled on some of the most challenging roads you can find throughout Oregon, Washington and Idaho. I would not have purchased my spyder in the first place if it wasn't for the info and insights I gained from this forum. Riding the spyder has created great experiences. I am confident that BRP will solve the problems and this forum is the best in broadcasting what works and what doesn’t. Thank you Lamonster for all the hard work.
    When life throws you a curve - aim for the apex.

  12. #37
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    Default Thank you

    Thanks for all that you do Lamont. I came over to the because I have medical issues which prevent me from continuing to ride a 2 wheeled vehicle and it turned out to be the best thing I ever did, and just at the right time. Its a great machine.

    It took a while getting used too but I take every opportunity to ride and for the most part its the first thought I have when I wake up in the morn and it has given me the a new look at life. The has really helped me in more ways than I can say.

    Your site is superb and I check it out as often as I can and have learnt a great deal about our machines from you and the many people that I may never meet but I consider them and you friends. I want to say thank you and our regular contributors for all of the information and thoughts posted here, It woudn't be the same if Spyderlovers disapeared.

    Take care, every one needs a break at times and I support whatever you decide, its your site after all. Good luck in the future and look forward to reading more about the RT.

  13. #38
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    You are right on target and as I wrote similar thoughts in the below in MM earlier posting of concern:

    I do not disagree that there should be some concern, but my gawd anything mechanical can have issues. There is risk in everything in life, some things pose more risk then others. I read the concerns here and can not object but at the same time I feel many are dwelling on the negatives and feeding a train of Spyder bashing. I have yet to experience any major issues which would cause me grave concern to my life. Yes I have experienced some of the technical issues, such as bad GPS, the RPM surge after DSP #1, squeaky brakes, but you know what BRP through my dealership (go FMS!) has been a class act and FIXED ALL of these issues immediately. I recently had DSP #2 and the hose fix done and I can say my Spyder is back to its origianl running condition. That said I rode today and did have some minor GPS issues, but like I said my Spyder is back to its origianl running condition .

    I do read and appreciate all the forum participants inputs, both good and bad. But that said in reading all the recent banter of "the spyder is falling" has not convinced me to pack it up and put my slick SE5 on Ebay.

    Will keep on riding. Stand with me loyal Spyder riders!


  14. #39
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    Without this site, we won't have a voice. Lamont's posting should be a pretty loud wakeup call to BRP. I believe we are all in good hands with Lamonster leading the way.
    Silver SM5 PE# 1274, Hindle Exhaust, Touring Windshield, Caliper Trim, B.E.S.T. 3 Year Ext, Nuvi 255 GPS, Fog Lights, Sport Rack, Back Rest, 12V Outlet, Talon 3300p Alarm, NMN Mud Flap and TipZ LEDs, SpyderLovers Emblems, Kuryakyn Widow Pegs and Axel Trim, Luimoto seat skin, Evo Air Filter and O2 Mod, Cranker Tank Bag, Blue Sea fuse block, MAD/AMS/MBG, Oddyssey battery, IPS.

    Service Bulletin Applied: Gen II parking brake, 2nd SW patch, evap can/hose update, Gen II DPS

  15. #40
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    Default Don't throw in the towel!

    Hey Lamonster, I really appreciate all you do in the Spyder Community.
    Whenever I have a free moment, this is the FIRST site I check out, and the one I continue to come back to for reliable info. You and the other Spyderlovers make life so much more enjoyable. If it wasn't for you and this site, I probably wouldn't have bought the spyder, and I certainly wouldn't have made the Spyders in the Smokies trip, let alone the fantastic bbq at your lovely place. While there are other Spyder sites, this is the best by far.

    Whatever happens, thank you for ALL you do and all you've done.

  16. #41
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    I've said it before and I'll say it again - you're doing good things here Lamont - keep it up!

  17. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lamonster View Post
    I feel as though I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place. I've spent the last two years building this site and a relationship with you guys and BRP. Right now I feel like I should be taking sides if I'm going to keep any credibility I may have with you all.
    Lamont, the last thing that I think any of us here would say or think is that you've lost any credibility over any of this.

    You've given the Spyder a community that has provided a lot of good information to the masses here and I know have helped create a Spyder following and several good friendships.

    While I'm a former Spyder owner and will say I let go of my Spyder due to mechanical issues. I still think this site is too valuable to shut down. I would never speculate that the Spyder is unsafe and quite the contrarie I think it provides a safer open road alternative to 2 wheels and has gotten many disabled riders on the road, many of which I'm certain wouldn't be on Spyders if not for this site and the technical info they can find about adapting the Spyder to their needs.

  18. #43
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    Default Please keep this site

    I hope you decide to keep this site. It is the best - even with the good, bad and the ugly.

    I have until recently had a near perfect Spyder for about a year. With the 2 updates done at the same time all was also well until cold hit (40's). Could be temperature or a co-inky-dink but I am now among the few with steering issue.

    Only rode once in the cold low 40s, where for the first time steering issue occurred repeatedly throughout the ride - so further riding in the cold (once cold returns) is planned.

    And Yes - I still love my Spyder and plan to ride on.
    2020 RT Ride Frequent Stay Safe
    Aftermarket Aux Light, GPS mounting/wiring, Lamonster Garage Mirror Lock, Lamonster Garage Belt Tensioner
    Backrest Home Brew Mod

    2008 RS from 2008 through 4/2015, 2015 F3-S from 4/2015 through 9/2020

  19. #44
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    Default Lamont

    In 1973 I bought a New PORSHE, the problems began before I got
    home,stuck with it, and in less than three months it was the greatess car I ever drove WOW...
    Please don"t take any of our complaints personal, without this site we would really be frustrated.. You have helped us all ..
    A broken key is a real problem, the shop could not pick out the piece inside the ignition, so a new ignition is the only answer at a cost of $150
    PLUS $79.00 labor. I dn"t have anyone to blame but me, unless you want to take my place.

  20. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by GaryTheBadger View Post

    I suggest we take a break from the guesswork, assumptions and name-calling, and instead respect Lamonster's post and let him run with this issue. I for one completely trust he'll stay on top of it for us all.

  21. #46
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    I understand how you feel but this forum is a great place for all types of information (good or bad). It's helped me make decisions on mods as well as helping me install said mods. I am on here every day to see what's going on. I'd rather sit at my computer to check out the forum than read the newspaper with all of its BAD news. And they aren't shutting down. Please keep up the great job. Many of us rely on it. I never would have come up with the idea for your air box oil fix. Thank you for this forum. jf


    Full Moon 08' SM5, Luggage rack, back rest, Kewlmetal mirror extensions, trunk spring, hidden trunk release cable, ride-on, remote garage openers, header wrap, Lamonster's air box catch can, CHAD, NMN double play w/ LED running/signals, heated gloves (gerbing), dzus fasteners, led fender tip lights, spyderpops missing air dam, tric rings, tric fender strips, spyderpops heat shield and missing air damn, Nexx X1R1 helmet.

  22. #47
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    Default Don't shut it down

    This site is where I get all my information! Without this site I would be lost!!! Plus, I have met other spyder ryders through this site. Maybe you should have a complaint area and a just venting area or something. I think there are always complaint areas for sites. Also, post somewhere that you don't work for BRP and that you cannot tell them if their bike is safe (disclaimer or something)!
    Last edited by Amanda B; 10-21-2009 at 04:59 PM.

  23. #48
    Very Active Member Sarge707's Avatar
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    As a newcomer I Thank You for ALL you do. Please keep the site open- The Amount of things I learned here is awesome!!
    BRP sites always have negative posters ( Usually much more vocal than Here!) because they are always on the Cutting Edge of Performance whether it be Sea Doo,s or Sleds. Their jet Ski,s out sell all the others combined and have won more races than any other manufacturer by a Great Margin yet there are ALWAYS negative posts.
    I was a Lurker here long before I bought my Spider and it Convinced me to buy One.
    Got my Recalls done today and my dealer has done over a hundred of the recall updates. None had problems before and None have called with problems after!! I trust My Spyder!!
    Today I gave it a Name "Buddy Boy!!!" And I,ll be out tomorrow as its going to be 70-75 here!!!

    2015 F3 sm6, Custom Dynamics fender lights.

    Sea Doo GTI-SE 90 Jet Ski!!

  24. #49
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    Lamont - Good to see you again at Biketoberfest. As for the current situation - You have set the course and speed. Continue the march!!

  25. #50
    Active Member shansmow's Avatar
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    Default Love this site and my Spyder

    putting in my 2 cents here.....this is the best site I have ever been to. I try to get here every day just to get caught up on things, find out what everyone's doing, etc. Plus this site has helped me solve problems, be aware of potential problems, and even allow me to do some of my own work! I appreciate all the work you've put into this and really hope you'll continue to keep the site open but obviously will support you in whatever you decide. You're the only one who can truly take care of yourself and you need to do what's best for you.

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