Quote Originally Posted by IdahoMtnSpyder View Post
I don't believe concealed carry, and especially open carry, are necessary. But if you insist on doing it all I ask is you be mindful of all those around you and participate in vigorous gun use and safety training equal to what law enforcement officers go through. An LE spoke to our church some time ago about safety. She said you need to be so well trained that you use the weapon instinctively. That requires refresher training every few weeks or months, just as the LE folks do. When you are in a panic or crisis situation you dare not plan on being able to think rationally and quickly. The human mind isn't created that way.
This view is a bit off base for me. Most shootings are at very close range and even an untrained person can point a pistol at 6 feet and shoot to save their life. Consider this. YOU, Your child, relative for close friend is standing in a situation with a gun in their face. Next to them is a dead person just shot by this offender. Then by a miracle as conceal carry person ends this situation. I think any victim would have little concern about how accurate I shoot and other possible collateral damage my missing might have. But make no mistake, if I responded to that situation with my conceal carry, my personal freedom would be in real trouble. If I don't loose my freedom, I would have to be on guard the rest of my life from retaliation from friends and family of this offender that I cripple or kill.
I have carried my gun for 7 years and not one person except a very select few have even the slightest clue. I envision standing in a a place of business with some young worker who is SOMEBODY's son or daughter, facing grave danger that they didn't sing up for. In that situation, without hesitation, I will place my FREEDOM on the line to save that person. It would be an honor if I did that service for you one day and it would help put a face on the picture of what the real conceal carry person is. I challenge ANYONE to look at the statistics of crimes committed by conceal carry persons or even collateral damage from lack of weekly training to use the weapon.