Quote Originally Posted by bcraig View Post
I seldom have anything in the side case. I use it for helmet storage when I park it.

Wouldn't more weight of the right side cause more wear on the right side of the tire? I'm not an engineer so I'm probably missing the logic. lol
The increased or uneven wear wold be insignificant, even if you could suspend a passenger on one side of the rear of the bike, since the weight is transferred to the centre point between the two front wheels. The rear wheel "pivots" to the left or the right around this centre point.

In other words, if you had the bike loaded so unevenly that it affected wear on the back tyre the front suspension would also have to be compressed more on one side. This lean would be obvious, looking from either the front or the back.

One possible explanation is that you are accelerating more around right hand corners, which will lean the bike out to the left and wear the outside left edge.

Another possibility is that there is something rubbing on the tyre on the left side. A close-up of the tyre and its tread would be good.