I was in Home Depot looking for a 36mm socket. They wanted like 12 bucks for one. Then I didn’t have a half inch ratchet or breaker bar, so that would have been another 30 dollars. I carried socket all over store looking for something that it would fit on, found a pvc cap that was real close. The cap was 1 7/16. That’s just a teeny bit bigger than 36mm. Looked all over store again, and in the plumbing department, they had a set of long sockets that are used to get shower valves out of inside the wall. They’re about 4-5” long. The biggest one is 1 7/16. Got a hole in them that you can put a screwdriver or anything in to turn it. You can buy the whole set, like 10 or 12 sizes, for 18 dollars I think it en you can fix your shower too.