Guys, are we all slipping, or are there just not that many happenings in Georgia ?

My problem is I FORGET, there is this slot for us Georgia guys to post, so it can be days or weeks before I check to see if anything is happening.

Face Book, Georgia Spyder Riders could be helpful with instantaneous, well almost. Whenever I power on my puter, I usually have several sights :on" and ready..FB is one. If I get a hit on any FB page I'm, I'm alerted.

PLEASE join the FaceBook page, follow it, post on it, wake it up. Let's get some activity going. H.O.G. has "Ice Breaker" rides in most Southern Districts, in Georgia,in JANUARY. And in Feb, Valentines rides, Nov-Dec, Toy Rides...why can't we ?

We just need a smaller State dedicated sight to move forward with some comradery and friendship, to ADD to our memberships here. Do NOT forsake this site LaMonster has provided, but add to his example with our own state page on FB.

Thanks for listening's up to y'all now. I'm gonna try to enact a local recruitment plan, with LaMonts already given, approval. Even gonna Have business card done up with the Spyder lovers Logo, and hopefully the Georgia Spyder Riders logo, as son as I get permission to use it.