In all our excitement about the new 2015 line-up and the F3 model in particular, I haven't heard much discussion about the U-Fit feature. It sounds like the way Harley dealers can customize a bike for a rider. I like that idea - choose the foot control and peg/footboard positions, chose the handlebars, choose the seat, backrest, etc.

But has anyone else wondered about the affect on the dealer network? Many have commented about the perceived shortcomings of some of the dealers. Now there will be something else to ask them to help a buyer with. What kind of training will they get that will help them recommend which options to best fit a rider? Or will the buyer just be on their own, reading the BRP descriptions and taking a chance and risking their money to see what works?

I hope the dealers will get training and that the already good dealers will give this service as much attention as they do to everything else now. I don't mean to borrow trouble here, but this could turn out to be a place for less-than-excellent dealers to fall down.