The ride was a great success and Murphy Brown and Don and all the rest did a great job of making it run smooth and fun for all. The weather was perfect too and the scenery was inspiring. All along the route we had people waving or thumbs up at us or just looks of awe. I rode tail gunner for Don's group of whom did a great job of keeping us together. Our group was one of the smallest but consisted of only Spyder models.

At one point we rode the Keller Ferry across the Columbia, following a beautiful twisty road leading down to it. By good chance all of the group arrived at the same time and better yet all of us were able to get on the ferry at once! Quite a site and what you see in the picture is not the entire group.

That evening we had BBQ at Murphy's Place followed by a live band. Most were too tire to dance but we had some mover and shakers, bumper and grinders on the floor. As always the little ones were right up there showing the rest of us how its done.

Murphy also has a great swimming pool so it was rally put use as well.
People slept in tents on here yard, on cots by the pool, in storage closets (me, lol. ), in spare bedrooms, nearby hotels etc.

We also had 4-Square doing bike alignments during the weekend. Mine was way out and they discovered my right tie rod was bend down about 2"! This turned out to be the cause of the weird sound/vibrations I was having as it was touching the plastic cover on the A frame. Now she tracks like on rails in the corners and my steering was corrected to be properly centered.

I am trying to post the pictures on Face Book, never done this before but I will give a whirl.

This is an annual event so keep an eye out for the next one!