Hello all and a great evening it is...I had a longer day than planned but I am in the motel instead of camping alongside a road ...ok here is the rest of the story..

Yesterday I had a great ride on 85N..from NE to SD...heading up 85N I see sign that says Spearfish Canyon...so took off on that side road...absolutely GORGEOUS...no shoulders on road so couldn't stop to get a pic of the forest, stream, falls...curves...soooo verrrry nice. When I got to the end of road there was this really nice golf course but it was literally packed with people swarming all over it...curiosity got the best of me, so stopped and asked 'Is that golf course always that busy?'..Nope it was State High School Championship time...ahhhh Good Luck Kids!! Stayed on 85N...stopped for night at Bowden SD....got out atlas and changed my plans for heading to Glacier...not enough time as I want to visit daughter and fam in CDA, ID and then my granddaughter has her Championship Softball game on Sat...so change direction...find this great road 12W...takes me into MT and I target Helena for my night's stop. Great farm country, beautiful ryding...absolutely NO traffic...I mean in 200+ miles I see 4 cars, 2 pickups and 1 tractor!! Cool thing is they all wave. Gas stations are few and far between so if I get to 1/2 tank when I see a station I stop. Stop and fuel up at town...couple hundred miles to Helena...doing great. About 25 miles out of town come upon this new pickup just poking along...I figure new truck, break in period! I wave as I pass them....in another 5-8 miles hit serious road construction so I slow way down, hate that gravel so I am going about 10-12 mph...pickup catches up to me I wave them on by...he slows down, she says do you need help..I say no just hate this gravel...she said you know you BLEW a Tire on trailer. I said NO...in a few yards I see safe place to pull off....get off Studly and holy crap..my right trailer tire is shredded ...I look up and they wave and drive off.....I'm thinking so much for their help....but what the heck I've got awesome roadside service..."Can you Hear Me Now?" Heck no, NO SERVICE...are you kidding me....There is not a farm house or vehicle anywhere to be seen. So a Good thing is that when I bought the trailer I said please add a spare tire (does not come with)....so it is in the bottom of trailer so I start unpacking....see this older farm truck, pulling an older horse trailer (I'm thinking my kind of rancher!!!). Step out wave her down. Great lady hauling her just purchased 30 pullets in cages in trailer. She's says in colorful language..&^$#*(^% you got serious flat tire...I respond "you think" and we both start laughing. She's says "hell, I can change a tire...how about you...I said yep only problem I got the tire, but no jack or tire iron (note to karyl...add to your trailer SOON)...she's says...hmmm thinking that big a$$ jack I got in back is to big...I said do you have a cell phone..sure her's works (AT&T..verizon CAN YOU HEAR ME KNOW!!!). Get roadside they are trying to find me on their satellite....another car stops...man says heck this tin can car probably has just the size jack you need....sure enough...he does and in nothing flat he has tire changed. I start packing trailer back up and he says...I work for Mayflower and I think I can pack that better and quicker....I said you are on....Man oh Man that was like Awesome and Good....shoot oh dear I can get more stuff in the trailer!!! Yep I need me a Mayflower man..

So I say many thanks what can I give up...they both took a hug and said pay it forward...

Go another 5 miles and come to "follow pilot car stop". Pilot car lady says...oh oh realllly bad road/rocks ahead....your trailer is way to low...but she gives me a detour route. Thank God I had just gassed up....it was an AWESOME ryde on a road I still can't find on a map...she said don't stop you will eventually have to go right or left. Go right. Yep gas light comes on...and there is the T..32 miles to nearest town...sure hope they have gas....I have been searching for ranch houses, barns, life other than cows!!! NONE...next town has TOWN PUMP...I love MT and Town Pump...they are everywhere...

So all is good and there was no UGLY....that would have been me making camp along side of the road waiting for a human to appear...

So tomorrow I go to tire shop to see if they have that size...ain't going nowhere without a spare..then to buy a small jack and tire iron....and look for Starbuck's...been to long without espresso...McD coffee just ain't cutting it anymore!!!

Sure hope your day was not as exciting as mine..

Have a great evening..
