Today I was asked to work 1st shift. At 6:30 am this morning it was cold, 31 degrees before you figure in wind chill. I put on all my winter gear and off I went. When I left for home at 3:30pm this afternoon, it was mid 30's but with mixed snow and rain and sleet. Now this would be a test. Would I stay WARM and DRY and SAFE? I have to tell you, both the suit and the Spyder performed magnificently. I was quite comfortable riding as far as warmth went. I was completely dry when I got home and the suit had the rain and snow just beading up and falling off, it is dry already. The Spyder handled admirably. It never skidded or slipped or anything. My biggest worry was the other drivers, the first slippery day is always the worst. Everyone seems to forget how to drive in bad weather. Granted, if there was any accumulation or icing up, I wouldn't want to take my chances, but I think today gave me a pretty good taste of how far I will be able to push it through the winter depending on driving conditions. As long as the forecast doesn't call for accumulation or freezing rain and ice or if the roads are dry, we will be riding. When the sub zero temps sneak in, I may have to think it over at that time but I'll let you all know.

By the way, I hear they really got hit in the east with snow, time to get out the spyder cousin and start snowmobiling on a skido.