On the way home tonight, was just cruising, in three gear, when the neutral and reverse light started flashing back and forth and the 3 changed to E. The was responding to throttle and was driving ok. Cheryl was on here bike behind me and she said that my tail lights was doing something funny, but she doesn't remember just what they were doing.

Looks like the GPS (Gear Position Sensor) maybe going out. Since I'm going to start my next round of Chemo, it will be a good time to take it in for repair.

Next time out I will take my camera, so I might be able to get video if it happens again. Just hope it throw a code. I have been having the Reverse and Neutral lights flashing back and forth when at high revs, but the would cut out. When in 2nd gear, and at high rev. the Neutral light flash and the would cut out also.

Has anyone else had this happen?