If they rep is a Bozo, then let someone from BRP say it. The law that everyone keeps referencing implies to me that it is not at their discretion. I am not a lawyer, but isn't the warranty a contractual agreement where BRP agrees to provide a service. I think it is totally fair that the warranty is contingent on my providing the proper service, and that is in the agreement. But I don't want to have to have the service done at the dealer. And until BRP says the rep was mistaken, I must assume his word is BRP policy. He answered the customer service phone. I may be shouting from the roof tops, but I am not making anything up. When I was told that it might go against me if I do my own service, my jaw dropped. I asked him multiple was if I had it straight, to make sure he really was telling me that if I change my own oil and do my own service, then warranty repair leaves the realm of a contractual agreement and relies on BRP's good will. Does the fact that there is a law that is going to help really have any impact on what might be BRP's stance.

On my 08 Spyder the radiator cracked and the coolent started leaking. The bike got really hot one time before I could pull over and get my wife to bring the trailer. I had the bottle replaced under warranty. But what if there had been some damage to the piston that resulted in some metal in the oil. According to the rep I could have gone in with major engine problems and BRP could have denied a claim if they wanted too. They could just stand the line and say the dealer didn't change the oil, and the Bozo would be who I would get when I called for help. Please don't say I could sue, because I don't want to.

I want BRP to say that it is fine for customers to perform their own service. I want them to suggest we keep a log to show the service is being done. And I want them to state clearly that warranty service is not at their discretion to deny as long as appropriate service is done, and the dealer doesn't have to do the service.

Otherwise, if you change your own oil then warranty service is up to BRP's discretion, and it will play against you if you have an issue. As stated by the official spokesperson for BRP.