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  1. #1

    MOgang Member & Monster Member

    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Jackson, Missouri
    Spyder Garage

    Default MoGang Ryde to Colorado for BRP Owners Event!

    OK Gang,
    I know everyone is busy as bees working on SpyderFest and we have the holidays, but as they say, "All work and no play...." You know the rest!

    So, Len and I were talking today and we thought we may as well get a thread started to see how many of us want to form a group rYde to the event!

    So, here we go, and I can say that unless something MAJOR comes up, like the Mayan calendar was incorrect or something and the world ends on May 21 instead of December 21... you know something really big. I plan on going and I will twist Connie's arm until she agrees.

    I'll come back to this post and put the date in when we have it officially, but until then it is:

    JUNE 2012!

    Feel free to dive in. And yes, Lee, we will be stopping to eat somehere along the way.

    Spyderlady, John, Mary and Ed coming from Yellowstone trip.

    Those committed to leaving out of Cuba for the SHORT trip to Albuquerque then Durango:

    Meeting on Sunday Night and leaving Monday morning 6-18-2012
    SteveMac and ConnieMac


    Now leaving on Friday 6-15-2012
    GloryRyders Jim and Linda
    Paula and Scott

    ThreeFeet Sharon (not sure when Sharon is leaving?? but she is doin her own thing!)

    Those committed to riding with SpyderLady on the LONG trip to the Badlands, then Albuquerque then Durango:

    Spyderlady Linda
    Paladent John
    Adopted Orphans Jeff and Brenda
    SpyderMonkey4 Brenda
    Mary Bruchter
    Ed Bruchter
    Last edited by SteveMac; 06-12-2012 at 05:29 PM.

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