Our 1st poker run today was great. Met a lot of new friends. There were all Harley's there today. Two of them were trikes and then there was me. My Spyder seemed to be the center of attention. I have no idea why.LOL. There were a total of about 50 bikes and a lot of money got raised for breast cancer. The Harley dealer in Michigan City hosted a great event. I learned about the ride for Riley's Children's Hospital in the spring where you can actually ride the Indy 500 track with your bike. I am definitely going to make the trip next year and any other charity rides I can fit in. There are more people out there less fortunate than ourselves so I feel the need to do what I can to help. I hope that all my fellow Indiana Spyder lovers join me for this ride next year. Have had bike less than 3 weeks and have 500 miles on it already. First place I have to go when spring hits is back to my dealer for 600 mile check. I really love my Spyder. Chief Ed