My girlfriend and I were headed Southbound on 75 on Saturday, Sept. 3. We noticed a 20-30 year old guy on a red Kawasaki cutting it close to several cars. He was riding the backside of the cars in front of him and almost lane-splitting to get in front of the next cars around him. We both commented that he was riding crazy and we were concerned for his well-being. He did not have a helmet on and was wearing a sleeveless white shirt, shorts, tennis shoes and a back pack. No gloves. No protective gear, period. We lost sight of him around Belt Line (for those of you who know Dallas).

We approached 635 East bound and saw a semi-truck stopped in the right lane of the High Five overpass, which leads to 635. As we pulled around the truck, we saw the bike, laying there on its side. Since we had seen the guy riding earlier, being riders ourselves, we quickly pulled over and dialed 911. I asked an older gentleman, who had stopped, where the rider was and he pointed down.

The rider had attempted to cut-off a pickup truck on an elevated curve and lost control, hitting the wall. He was thrown off of the bike, landing some 100 feet below between the service road and the highway. He was motionless and obviously had died from the impact.

This has haunted us ever since. We don't have a name for this guy. We don't have a news story to read or hear about on the news. Nothing. Somehow, the media missed the story, so this is where it ends. We gave a police report as did the semi-truck driver. He's also a biker and saw the accident happen. All others close-by when the accident happened, did not stop... Very sad.

This photo is from my truck's rear view mirror. It's of the bike on its side and the truck. The rider was some 100 ft. below.
Please say a prayer for him and his family. He did not make it.

Please, please, please wear protective gear. It sucks that we had to witness the end of this young man's life. I hope no one else has to do the same. One helmet may not have saved his life because of the fall, but riding carefully would have.