For those of you that dont know me my name is James " Tim " Williams. My wife and I relocated from Grand Junction Co to Virginia 2 years ago. Last Sunday my wifes Brother passed away he was 38 years young. Specialist Nathan James Andrew Frazier served in the Army, Navy and was currently in the National Guard when he pass unexpectedly of Conjunctive Heart Disease In Casper Wyoming. We will be holding his funeral in Denver around Labor day at Logan National Cemetery. We would love to see all the " Spyder " Guard members there. I was also wondering it someone would be will to let me ride there spyder in the precession. I know this would be a huge favor to ask but you could come follow along and then ride your spyder back. I just would like to use to ride with the Patriot Guard from point A to point B. I dont know if this is possible and it is a lot to ask (I know I would really have to think about it if it was mine.) But I would be really Greatfull and owe you for the forever.

Thanks for taking the time to read this and your Support.
