I get more calls, PM's and emails about how I made a hand brake work on the Spyder that I thought I would show you how I did it. I won't be doing any kits for this mod so don't ask. The real reason is to maybe give you some ideas on how it could be done. This is just a Lamonster way of doing it.

I used a Moose Racing Fly Clutch Assembly just because that's what a local dealer had. I'm sure you could find something to work in it's place.

I used a Suzuki M109R clutch cable because that's what I had laying around. I had to straiten the one end a bit to get it to work. I'm sure you can find a better cable too.

The rest was just a little fab work. I tried doing this as a bolt up deal because I really didn't want to take the peddle off and weld on it but after many many trys to get that to work right I decided to give in and weld that sucker. I should have done that in the first place because it was really no big deal. :

You can click on the pics to make them bigger.

These are the parts that had to be made.

I had a alignment hole to gage where I needed it to be welded.

The stock pin is back in the clevis now and is not bolted to my bracket like it was before. Here a couple of shots of the brake arm bolted up.

The cable goes to the top hole and the two bolts have washers to space it out so the cable can move.

I'm pretty darn happy with it now. I don't have any binding issues like I had before and I have a good hard brake now. I still need to run it to see how good it really is but I expect at lease 90 to 95% brakes with the lever.

Here's a little video of it working. This is a little better quality video. http://media.putfile.com/welded-hand-brake
