Lately I've noticed while ryding on the freeway that the RT would start yanking me to the left and I'd have to fight with it to get it back in the lane I was driving in. DPS thingy I guess (still waiting to get recall done, I'm next in line they say). So I went out and did some figure 8's in a parking lot (as was shared here on the board) and seemed to do fine after that. Yesterday I was cruising down a 45 mph road that slightly curved to the left. After coming out of the curve and straightening up I heard a loud "CLANK" and felt the handle bars jolt. Freaked me out for a moment, pulled over and looked over the Spyder and nothing looked out of the ordinary. Brand new road, no pot holes and no debris in the road. Continued home with no problems, but going to call the dealership today. Anyone else experience this? Oh yeah, FINALLY hit 2000 miles yesterday! Took 10 months to do so! I'm such a bad Spyder ryder!