Our first guest pulled in a little while ago and we had a great time talking about the Spyder and a few other things. Greg Keller AKA hobstopper and his wife Loretta just left. They're here from Salisbury, NC and wanted to see where we were going to be Thursday. They have a decked out RT and they love it. Greg is a real do it yourself kind of guy and his wife rides too. I guess they fight over who rides the RT to work.

Greg was kind enough to load the new GoPro software on my camera for me. Thanks Bro.

I love where he mounted his GPS and I got to hear his Polk speakers and they sounded great. Looks like my next mod.

I sent them off with a route to Maggie Valley to see Wheels Through Time. It's a great day for a ride and the rest of the week looks like the weather is going to be perfect, a little warm but no rain in the forecast.