Quote Originally Posted by Cobwebs View Post
I'll give you the tight stuff is Spyder territory 130kph onward V Rod with it's looong wheelbase and steep head angle is rock solid and feels better the faster you go v Spyder not so much. Latest Revolution max engine from HD is no slouch either with 150 HP.Last thing anyone wants when exploring these capabilities is Tom in their ear describing the colour of his grass!
Reminds me of a “mate” we used to ride with who had a VRod, Cobwebs. He always ended up as Tail-end Charlie, not because he specifically wanted to be, but because no one wanted to ride behind him. Without a word of exaggeration, he used to stop before every corner, put the Rod on its stand and walk around the corner checking for angle, loose gravel etc, remount and ride around the corner at the appropriate speed…….well, maybe there is just a LITTLE exaggeration.

We all chipped in to buy him a GPS, because no one wanted to wait at one of the turnoffs for him.
