so today was my 1 year check up with my cardiologist and the good news is i still have a heart, if fact my heart is so good he took me off all my med's.

why you ask.

well in the last 11 months i've lost 90 pounds i have gone from a massively obese tub of lard. from 342.6 pounds down to 252.6 pounds.
i went from a size 62 waist to a 46 waist.

it wasn't easy when i first started 3/17/22 i was pretty sure i would die in the first week. day one on the elliptical i managed a mind blowing 5 whole minutes.

day 2 i walked.

day 3 elliptical 7 minutes, walked/elliptical/ walked rinse repeat daily. i do 40 minute elliptical workouts now and 2.5 mile walks.

cut all the garbage food out of my life ( i never drank soft drinks ). i weigh all my food and eat a serving size. TRUST ME it's a complete lifestyle change

i stopped eating pasta and switched to brown rice pasta.

sunday-friday i have oatmeal and banana for breakfast mid morning is fresh pineapple snack, lunch is protein shake, dinner is chicken/pork or the brown rice pasta.

saturday morning is pancakes.

sunday is my cheat day. for dinner i have a 2 pound ribeye with sauteed onions/bell pepper & sweet potato.

you can follow my story on instagram at grumpyoldman60 .

i will continue my weight loss program, i want to get down to 220-225 and then i'll need surgery to remove all the BS excess skin i have hanging off of me, that is the only drawback to losing that much weight. you can only stretch your meat suit so far before it won't go back.

peace and GOD bless