Yesterday I went for a group ride, filling up the tank at the gas station where the ride started from. The display showed an initial number of 198 miles worth of fuel, but as the trip started, all at modest speed, the number went up until it stabilized at the point where the miles to go and the miles already traveled totaled around 225. I was fine with that, but suddenly and without warning the number which was now down to 160 (I had ridden about 65 miles so far) suddenly changed to 231. The display was telling me that I could go a total of just under 400 miles on that tankful, or over 40 miles a gallon. Later in the ride it seemed to correct itself and when the ride ended, and I again filled the tank, I had ridden 164 miles and the display said I could have gone another 70 miles. In truth, I never pay that much attention to that display, using the rough guide of filling up anytime it is convenient after doing 150 miles, and trying not to stretch it to over 180. So much about my 2021 RT impresses me with its technology and engineering, but BRP data is not very confidence building.