It might be the last day of November over there in North America, with Winter well on its way; but December & Summer is just about upon us here in the Antipodes (only 1.5 hours now, and I'm going to knock off for the night pretty soon! ) so the Fat Guy in the red suit is popping up everywhere and the weather's getting hotter with a vengance!!

Our first Summer Heat Wave has already hit Western Australia, so it'll probably be with us here in South Oz some time next week, and over in the Eastern States maybe a week after that. So while you lot are thinking about keeping warm & maybe even putting your Spyder to bed for the duration, here in Oz we're thinking about staying cool & getting in as much early morning/late evening ryding as we can, just to avoid the heat of the day!

So tell us all, what's the weather doing in your part of the World?!?