After 3 years of trying various things to alleviate some of the comfort issues I still have with my F-3T, I'm considering trying floorboards. In this thread, the consensus recommendation for floorboards on an F-3T is the "Ultimate" floorboards. After the positive words, I'm now considering purchasing them as well. Unfortunately, I've got a unique situation (besides being "mechanically-challenged").

You see - I had my brake pedal lowered a bit a few years ago (by a mechanic - not me), using the Roadster Renovations kit. That's worked out great, but now I'm told by Pierre (of CanAm Spyder Accessories) that, in order for the Ultimate Floorboards to install properly, the brake needs to be restored to it's original height using the original brake linkage. So, I have a few questions:

1.) Although the installation of the Floorboards looks pretty straightforward (even for me), can someone chime in on how difficult it would be to re-install the original brake linkage?

2.) Or better yet - Has anyone successfully installed both the Ultimate Floorboards and the RR brake pedal adjustment on their F-3 without causing compatibility issues? If so, what adjustments, if any, did you have to make?

3.) Or, perhaps better still......can anyone recommend a different set of floorboards that would NOT require restoring the original brake pedal linkage at all?
