Pissed me off. I was riding Friday and stopped for lunch at a rest area. I checked (and double checked) to ensure both saddlebags were securely closed before taking off again. Twenty miles later, I see that nasty warning on the dash telling me a saddlebag was open. Sure enough, I look in my mirror and a high(er) dollar rain jacket (that happens to go along with my high(er) dollar mesh jacket) is flying down the highway. Heavy traffic, in the middle of road construction, 70mph in a 50mph zone (just to keep from getting run over). No way I was stopping to try to retrieve same. I happened to have bought (2) of the same jacket, one in a muted color in a size too big and anther in hi-viz yellow in the correct size. (I usually wear the rain jacket over the mesh for temp control.) It was in the high 70s so I didn't have the rain jacket on (obviously). Now, I'm wearing the muted, one size too big rain jacket. Not the end of the world but pisses me off that the saddlebag came open. When I stopped, I made sure I removed everything from that bag. It also looks like the bottom front edge of the bag sticks out a little bit now (compared to the right side bag). Not sure if that happened when the bag popped open or if it's always been that way and I just never noticed it. Next time I'm at the stealer, I'm going to see if they can get the bag door replaced under warranty.

Just wanted to vent.