I have had my spyder for about 3 months. I have 1600 miles on it and I've noticed that when the gas gage is near empty, and the miles left show like 30 or so, it only takes about 4.8 gallons to fill the tank. I know the tank is full because I can see the gas in the refill hole. At a full tank, the miles left show abourt 210.

Today, I rode longer on the tank. The gage showed empty, and the miles left were showed three dashes. I filled the tank and it finally took 5.8 gallons. So I still should have had 1 gallon in the tank. When I started the bike, the miles left showed 250. I've never seen it that high. Has anyone else seen this kind of thing?

I should also say, I had 186 miles on the tank when I filled it up. I'm used to going over 200 miles to a tank with my Harley. Just seems like filling the tank every 160 miles is going to be a pain on a trip.