Quote Originally Posted by KX5062 View Post
Glad to hear it worked for you.

When I took delivery on my 2014 base model RT the dealer forgot to put air into the rear suspension. The ride home was horrible and was bottoming out on the smallest bumps and wallowing in every turn. I was drawing a blank, so I called Joe Meyers and after talking to him on the phone, he suggested I check the air pressure on the suspension bag, and sure enough, there was literally no air in it. I pumped it up to about 70# and problem solved. When pumping up the air bag I watched the rear of the bike rise to the proper ride height.
Correct and my rear shock is doing the same thing but without the air bag and compressor. Still have it hooked up and never turns on. I dont have to worry about bottoming out or air leaks anymore.

Take Care!