There's lots of new folks on this site, so I'm Re-posting some actual testing for low tire pressure in an Auto tire ( it was not done on purpose ) …. after a two week period of not riding my 2014 RT, I went for a ride..... after riding for about 10 miles ( mostly hard packed gravel ) I stopped to take a closer look at my rear tire ( a Michelin Hydro-edge w/ 10,000 mi ) … it didn't really look soft but when I checked with a gauge it only registered ….. 8 psi …. Frankly I was amazed that I hadn't popped the Bead …. I immed. went to a nearby gas station and brought it up to 17 psi ( my normal psi ) ….. so for those who think 18-17-16-15 rear psi might be dangerous ….. I don't think so …… just sharing info for the newbie's …… Mike ……...PS, I have done some Drag racing ( at the track ) and did it with only 12psi in the rear , I had some concerns about LOW psi.... so I marked the tire and the Rim, …. when I checked it after a run , I found the tire Hadn't slipped at all on the rim ….. good luck …. Mike