I know from reading on this forum about some people losing their side panel. so i always made sure that mine was always seated firmly into the rubber grommets. so...... off i go on a ride. going about 75 or so. i got to my destination. got off the spyder. took off my helmet, and "MY SIDE PANEL ON THE LEFT SIDE, THE ONE EVERYONE REMOVES TO CHECK OIL........GONE!!!
so this side panel could be anywhere on this 26 mile stretch. i packed up,got back on and started on my return trip. I am going about 50 55 mph to maintain a decent speed for the other vehicles.
i am looking into the median and the westbound lanes... "BAM" as i look in front of me there it is, right in the middle of my lane, no time for a maneuver, tried to miss it going over it, guess what this is a spyder rear wheel in the middle.....crunch! the split second i saw it, it looked pretty good. NOT NOW.
anyone have any advice on securing this panel?: