Sorry for bringing up a beat-to-death subject, but Help! 2019 RT 900 miles so far.
It just can't get comfortable in curves. I have read and practiced ALL the tips from everyone ( lean in weight on outside foot, push instead of pull, look ahead.) Believe me, I WANT to love this thing and my problem is the FEELING of the g forces. I KNOW it won't tip over. I KNOW I can corner at the posted speed. I just can't shake that FEELING that it's gonna throw me off. Parking lots don't help. Slow twisty back roads either. I want to just ride the highway or anywhere at the posted speed without feeling like I'll get run over. Downhill curves are especially terrifying. And here I am in the Mecca of motorcycling and afraid to over 35. Please understand, I can ride the highways at 50-60 mph, and feel comfy until a curve comes up and that g force feeling rears its head.
Sorry for my long winded admittance of shame. Going to the Maggie Spyder Rally next week, and will pick the brains of some of the expert riders there.
Thanks for hearing me out-Al.