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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Spyder Garage

    Default These things make dreams come true...

    Some of you may’ve seen my earlier post about test riding a Ryker at BRP parking lot event. Well, after speaking with the dealer sponsoring the event, and the folks from BRP, I enrolled in the dealer’s three wheeled motorcycle course. I’ve always loved motorcycles, but living with cerebral palsy, I never in a million years thought I’d be able to ride one by myself. However, for $50 I figured I’d give the class a shot. My instructors were awesome, one of which is a full time Spyder guy, putting about 12,000 miles a year on his RT. Everyone, from my instructors to my fellow classmates were super supportive and stoked for me, even going so far as allowing me to stay on the bike for the duration of the exercises as opposed to switching on and off, as getting on and off the bike was the trickiest part. Much to my surprise, I passed both the written and skills portions with flying colors, and was awarded my paper license. I’m glad I was wearing a full face helmet with the visor down, as I bawled like a baby upon shaking the instructor’s hand at the conclusion of the final skills test, and hearing the words, “Congratulations, you are now a licensed three wheeled motorcyclist.” I went to the DMV the next day, and had my M3 endorsement added before the ink was dry on my paper slip. Twenty years of wishing I could ride a motorcycle have finally come to fruition. The feeling of being in the wind, no canes, no wheelchair, just me and the bike, is indescribable. I still choke up thinking about it. My first test ride on the open road was as close to heaven on earth as I’ve ever been, just me and a 600 Ryker, soaking up the world around me. I’ve since been aggressively job hunting to get off of disability and afford a Ryker of my own. These bikes have truly changed my life, and proven that dreams really do come true.
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