Well today was both Incredible and Terrible ….. The good - last night it got down to about 0 F......and it continued snowing ( 2 days worth ). When it's that cold the snow is what in the Skiing world is known as " Champagne Powder " ( we got 10 inches ) ...you folks in the west get a lot , if not most of this type of snow....here in the East it's not common, we ski on very hard pack or frozen granular, and of course lots of just plain ICE ….. It's quite interesting to look down at your Ski's and not see them also can't hear them … it kind of freaked me out , …...The BAD - had a terrible fall , caught an edge and did a somersault ….. I think I may have cracked a rib or two, took some aspirin and now I'm just waiting to see how bad this might be …. I'm pretty much anti-go-to-the-Doctor, and even if they are cracked , not much they can do, ( I'm NOT spiting up any blood .. yet )... except wrap you up with Ace bandages ….. The weather report for Friday is -10F and high winds, so I won't miss it ….. Monday's forecast is much much better so, I'll try and rest and see what develops …… PS the Sking was " Freaking Incredible ", PPS I still continued to ski, but on less steep slopes , it was mostly OK …...Later … Mike