I lowered the belt tension on both my 2017 RT SM6 & F3-S SE6 some time ago from 240 lbs RT/ 225 lbs F3-S purchased new from dealer [ wheel on ground ] to approx 180lbs wog. Gear change on the RT went from very smooth to change, to a slight clunk changing from 2nd up & the same coming down to 1st. Gear change on the F3-S went from very smooth to change to clunky changing up & down. I then lowered both to 160lbs & changing gear on both got worse, more so the F3-S. With no alternative, I raised both belt tensions to 200lbs wog & the smooth shifting returned. Some drive belt whine also returned which had almost gone with the lower tensions, especially at 160lbs. Trade offs.

What i would like to know, has anyone else experienced this situation?
Also, has anyone running a belt tension of 200lbs or slightly higher with wog, & has clocked up some 15K + miles, had any problems with the output shaft bearing / drive belt / rear wheel bearings etc., caused & probably hard to prove by the "so called" high belt tension alone? Thanks, Treva.