I am currently down in Venice, Fl, due to some health/medical issues that my parents are going thru. Not sure of my timeline, but I have to assist them in sorting out some potential life choices facing them.
I did tow the Spyder down and intend to ride it whenever I can secure some free time, so if anyone sees a Cognac ST-S running around the Sarasota-Venice-Northport areas, that will be me. The weather is magnificent this time of year.
Doesn't seem like the other bikers are very friendly down here. I have been out twice and gotten two waves out of about 100+ other bikes on the road - haha.
Have to admit that I rode today minus my windscreen because of some damage and have not yet installed the new one yet. It was an extremely pleasant sensation feeling the wind hitting me in the front. I did however, wear my boots, long pants, jacket and helmet w/face shield in spite of some of the other riders in their sneakers, shorts, tank tops and bare heads. Oh well, to each his or her own......