I have been temporarily in a wheelchair for the last 3 months due to foot problems caused by diabetes. I have permanent issues with my feet that have left me in braces on both feet for quite some time, if not indefinitely.

First of all, it has given me a MUCH greater appreciation of what you guys go through on a daily basis. My hat off to all of you!

Even though I will be released from having to use the wheelchair (its a rental paid by my insurance that weighs about 60 lbs!!!) I have realized that I am able to get some good exercise by using it. I have been trying to find one that fits my needs that I can purchase to keep.
Needs to have a good weight capacity (Im about 315 right now), and be no more than about 28 inches wide at the handrims. Im in a 20" wide seat now, but think an 18" would suit me better. Obviously, the lighter the better.

Does anyone know of a good source online to look for such a beast at a reasonable price?

Thanks in advance for your help!!!!