Quote Originally Posted by PistonBlown View Post
Could be wrong but possibly kep-up maybe was thinking you have an SE (the semi-auto) so was referring to the controller on the handlebars for that.

Firstly the sensor thing is annoying but isn't going to stop you riding the Spyder so there is no need to rush this repair. Swapping the gear sensor was an easy job, particularly if your doing a service at the same time because you need to remove the same panels.

So you could wait until you need a service and get the dealer to do both at the same time. Alternatively if you do your own servicing you could get the part, fit it when you next do a service - if you do find it needs a BUDs reset afterwards just go along to your dealers for that. It took my dealer about a minute to do the reset.

Normally I do my own servicing but because this needed doing I got the dealer to do the service and the sensor at the same time as I couldn't be bothered to muck about. It cost me for both service and sensor, labour and parts, NZ$400 which at todays exchange rate is US$277.

Thank you for that explanation. I did my service recently myself so it's good to keep that in the back of my mind that a) I can still ride by spyder (even though been riding it for 2 days and got no issue) and b) let the dealer handle it.